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"Sofia, don't-"

"Aunt Arizona!" Sofia squealed as soon as Arizona walked through the door into Callie's office.

"Hi Sofia-"

"Mama and mommy say I'm getting a brother!"

"Say anything yet..." Callie finished glumly.

Arizona looked very confused as she made eye contact with both Callie and Jada. "Jada and I are expecting," Callie continued. "We actually just found out that we're having a boy. I'm sorry we didn't get to tell you ourselves, Sof just found out today and I didn't expect to see you already."

"Don't worry about it," Arizona replied with a smile. "Congratulations both of you. How far along?"

"17 weeks," Jada answered.

"Now that makes a lot of sense why we haven't been going out for date nights recently," Arizona teased.

Both Callie and Jada moved over on the couch for Arizona to sit beside them. "Since we're sharing good news today, I came to ask if the three of you wanted to be in the wedding?"

"Absolutely," Callie and Jada replied in unison.

"Teddy is going to be the maid of honor, and you two and April are going to be my bridesmaids."

"Sofia?" Arizona asked, getting the little girl's attention once again. "How would you like to be a flower girl in my wedding?"

"What's a flower girl?"

"You would drop flower petals in the isle to make it look really pretty for your mom's and I to walk down it. It would make me really happy if you would be in the wedding."

"Yes Aunt Zona!" Sofia exclaimed and immediately went to hug Arizona.

"Did you and Kate decide on a venue yet?"

"We did, but it's not official yet," Arizona answered. "The wedding is in late September and I'm hoping we can get a little bit of early fall without it being too cold. And Kate and I both want the Seattle skyline in the pictures."

"I'm really going to be showing then," Jada added with a smile. "You sure you want me to be a bridesmaid?"

"Why wouldn't I want you to be?"

Jada's question was fueled with insecurity. She didn't want her pregnant belly to take away any attention from Arizona and Kate themselves.

"You're going to get my fatass belly in all of the pictures," Jada answered with a laugh.

"Mommy said a 'no no' word!"

Callie playfully looked over at Jada. "What? It's true!" Jada protested. "I'm going to be so big then."

Disregarding her wife's protesting, Callie ignored everything Jada had said. "You know the drill when you have a bad mouth."

"I'm sorry for saying a 'no no' word."

Sofia looked amused at the fact she had caught her mom swearing for the second time that day. The little girl really enjoyed holding her mom accountable whenever she had the chance.

"Kate sent me a picture of her dress this morning," Callie said, changing the subject. "It is so gorgeous."

Arizona playfully rolled her eyes. "I can't believe I agreed to do the traditional night sleeping separate and don't see each other until the wedding thing."

Watching as Sofia made her way back across the room to her toys, Callie now had a goofy grin plastered all over her face. "Jada and I tried that. It didn't work. I guarantee you, your sex life will get even better from there. Even more so after the wedding."

"Really?" Arizona asked and Jada covered her ears from between the two.

As much as she thoroughly enjoyed her sex life, loved it even, it wasn't something Jada liked to discuss out loud with anyone other than Callie. Both Arizona and Callie, and even Kate could have a conversation about it for hours.

"Yes, you just wait," Callie answered.

"Callie baby?"


"You talk about sex way too much."

Callie only shrugged at her wife's statement with the slightest hint of a grin on her face. "I am not going to hold back about how much I get laid."

All three of them laughed getting Sofia to turn her attention back to her mom's and aunt. "What's so funny?" she asked from across the room.

"Your momma is being funny Sof," Arizona answered.

She turned back to Callie and Jada. "But okay, Kate and I have really started to hit it off these last few months. Everything is going great-"

Callie gave Arizona a high five. "I'm glad you're finally obsessing over a girl that's not me," she teased.

In between laughs, Arizona and Jada had a race to punch Callie in the arm first. "Calliope, you are so bad."


"If you want to beat her up, she's all yours," Jada told Arizona.

Callie picked her feet up and placed them on the table right in front of the couch. "That's not very nice."

"You are just something Calliope."

"I'm your something."

"I can tell," Jada joked in return. "I will never forget when I first met you, I thought you couldn't get any straighter."

"Well, you have learned from experience that I am not at all straight."

The three women laughed. "No shit Callie. You're only married to a woman."

Callie put her arm around Jada. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." She then added, "But okay, from experience-I am going to say this before my wife kills me. This was before you were in the picture Jaelynn," she said, playfully raising her eyebrow at Jada. "Girls are just so much more fascinating and interesting than men. And I know there are a lot of good guys out there but still, girls are the way to go."

"You just love to over share don't you Calliope?"

Callie nodded and leaned against Jada's shoulder. "Nothing I say isn't true to me."

Arizona looked over at Jada. "Did she ever tell you the story of when I rejected her because she was bisexual?"

"She did. But it's okay, this crazy girl is all mine."

"It's just crazy how everything turned out," Arizona admitted. "Like, I was so bad to you Callie and if I were you, I never would've wanted to associate myself with you again. And it's not common to be close friends with your ex like this, but I really like the friendship the three of us and Kate have."

"Let's get your ass wifed up," Callie said to Arizona. "So you and I can gossip about the wives all day at work."

"You both can help me with wedding planning then."


Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now