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"You sure you're up for this Cals?" Jada asked as she gently set Sofia down in her chair.

"Your sister can't be that bad," Callie protested. "Don't forget my parents were wholeheartedly homophobic too."

Jada was nervous to see Grace. Because she knew that Grace was just like her wife. Both Jada's wife and sister weren't afraid to say things how they were. She just desperately hoped that Grace would keep her cool and not say anything stupid or homophobic. Because Jada knew that Callie would go to great lengths to protect her and she really didn't want her wife and sister to go at it today. Callie had turned on her own parents in a heartbeat when they said some things about Jada, and Jada knew Callie would go after Grace if she were to say some not so nice things.

"Please just try to keep your cool if she does say something," Jada asked politely.

"If I have to make sure she knows her place, I won't hesitate to put her in her place."

After trying her best not to, Jada gave in and smiled. "I'm not going to talk you out of it am I?"

"No you are not."

Jada knew meeting Callie and Sofia was going to be a lot for her sister. They hadn't had a meaningful conversation since before Grace left all those years ago. To Jada, Grace now felt more like an old best friend than her sister. She was for sure going to be taken aback when she walked into the house to meet Jada's wife and Jada's daughter.

After this weekend, Jada had no idea when she would see Grace again. From what her mom had said, Grace re-enlisted for another few years of service. Grace had left for the military as soon as she graduated high school when Jada was about to go into her sophomore year. Grace was a year older than Callie and three years older than Jada, and had spent almost 10 years in the military through four tours overseas.

Callie's voice suddenly interrupted Jada's thoughts. "You don't talk about your sister much."

She nodded. "I know, it's just her and I aren't close anymore at all."

"You've never even told me what she does in the military," Callie said softly.

"She's brigadier general infantry division," Jada replied quietly. "Her and I left off on such bad terms I can't not think about that when I think about her."

Callie took Jada into a hug. "I'm sorry beautiful. Let's hope today goes well and you two can work it out."

Jada nodded just as the doorbell rang. "You ready?"

"I'm ready," Callie answered confidently.

Jada slowly made her way over to the front door, very excited to see her mom but not as thrilled to see her sister. Upon opening the door, she was met by the door being forced right back at her. Michelle plowed the door into Jada, slipped off her boots, and bolted right inside.

"Where's my granddaughter!?"

Before Jada could even say anything, Michelle had found Sofia in her chair and was hurrying over to her. "You think your mom is going to want to babysit when she comes to visit?" Callie asked.

"Definitely," Jada replied to a smile. "She will gladly take Sof off our hands if we need a break."

As Callie was about to reply, she stopped when a younger woman who must be Grace, entered their home carrying all the bags.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now