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Callie groaned when she heard her pager go off. Even though it had been two weeks since she suffered her concussion, she did have a little bit of a headache still.

She was enjoying spending her day at work in her office at her desk. That was, until she was paged downstairs. She was comfortable in her office chair, and very sore.

Since Callie was officially cleared for work yesterday, Jada held up her end of the deal and together, they spent the entire day yesterday alone in bed.

After nearly two weeks, Callie finally got to love and worship her wife's body again. She had made love to Jada, and Jada had made love to her. And after all that, Callie was beat.

Her pager started buzzing again, this time from both Arizona and Kate. Slowly getting to her feet and stretching out, Callie pulled her white lab coat over her shoulders.

It took her a few minutes to reach the pediatric department where the soon to be married couple was waiting for her. "You two paged me?"

Arizona smirked at her. "Sorry I made you get up and come all the way down here," she teased. "I know how good of a night you had."

"Jada told you?"

"All the details."

Callie rolled her eyes. "Do you two actually need me or did you just make me come down here to hear about how I fucked my wife last night?"

"Oh we need you," Kate answered. "But we couldn't help but notice you walking a little weird."

"You two might want to tone it down on the teasing or I can withdraw my offer to provide the wedding venue," Callie replied with a smile.

Both Arizona and Kate giggled. Arizona nudged Kate's should and said, "she looks like a woman who got laid. The afterglow is very much still in effect."

Since they were standing outside a patient room, Callie stole the chart out of Arizona's hands. "What's this?"

"Remember I told you about that girl that was born with her feet pointed inward?"


"They came here for a second opinion. They don't want to listen to Kate or I. And you're the best at what you do Callie, so they came for the world renowned Dr. Torres."

"I don't accept patients anymore."

"I know," Kate replied. "But they want to talk to you. Arizona and I would handle the surgery and you're more then welcome to help, but they're dead set on amputation."

Callie took the chart and led Arizona and Kate into the room. Once her eyes settled on the patient, Callie knew there was no way she was going to let them go through with amputation. The little girl couldn't have been older than three or four.

It was just the little girl and her dad. Both of their eyes lit up in surprise when Callie walked through the door. "Daddy, that's the doctor you said I need to see!"

She walked around the hospital bed to shake the fathers hand. "Dr. Callie Torres."

"Thank you Dr. Torres. I'm Brad, Lucy's dad."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now