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It never failed. Jada woke up early once again to the sound of their bedroom door handle turning.

Jada took a deep breath and prepared herself to be attacked and snuggled by her little girl. She pulled the covers back over her body, freezing like a deer in headlights when she touched her own bare hip.

Well, fuck.

Sofia certainly had impeccable timing.

Grabbing the sheets, the covers, blankets, clothes, and whatever else she could grab, Jada hurried to cover herself and Callie as the door opened. Sofia had pushed the door all the way open and Jada could see the silhouette of her daughter standing in the doorway amid the darkness.


Jada smacked Callie as she heard Sofia's footsteps enter the bedroom. She grabbed the items for their adventurous evening earlier and stuffed them under Callie's pillow.

"Babe," Callie groaned as she attempted to stretch out. "What the hell was that for-"

She grabbed Callie and pushed her arms back down onto the bed before covering her up. Her look of panic and embarrassment was immediately understood by her wife who just realized Sofia was in the room.

"Mommy?" Sofia called once again as she reached Jada's side of the bed.

"Hi sweetheart," Jada replied as she turned to face Sofia, making sure she still had the covers clutched to her neck.

"Mommy," Sofia said with a yawn.

"Are you having trouble sleeping sweetie?"

Sofia nodded. "Can't."

"I'm sorry sweetheart. But your momma and I are going to ask that you go back to your room and go back to sleep."


"Yes Sofia," Jada said sternly.

"No!" Sofia was starting to pout now.

"Honey, it's really early in the morning. Momma and I aren't awake yet. So if you don't go back to sleep you're going to have to go to bed early. And that means no tv time with momma and I."

That got the little girl's attention. "Yes mommy."

"Get some sleep sweetheart."

Jada gave the little girl a kiss on the forehead. "Night mommy."

"Goodnight Sofia. Close the door behind you please."

Sofia did as told and Jada laid still and held her breath until she heard Sofia's bedroom door close. When she heard it, Jada exhaled. "That was close."

After waiting a few moments for her wife's response, Jada looked over to see Callie sound asleep. So Callie was the recipient of another playful smack.

"I'm awake," she groaned. "You really wore me out."

Before falling asleep a few hours ago, Callie and Jada had some gloriously hot, very hot sex. It had been the first time they had sex in a few days. Callie had been working so much lately she was exhausted by the time she got home. Callie would eat a quick dinner, spend about an hour with her wife and daughter, and head to her office to continue working.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now