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Jada was about ready to give up on attempting to make sure Callie didn't hurt herself during her recovery. She didn't blame Callie for not wanting to lay around in bed all day, but ever since they came home a few days ago, Jada could not get her to relax.

Hearing the sound of the snowblower outside made Jada sit up abruptly in bed. She wasn't surprised to see that Callie wasn't beside her. Her and Callie had been enjoying the big snowstorm these past few days but Jada didn't think she would take it this far to go snow blow the driveway.

Getting up quickly, Jada threw on some warm clothes, checked on her sleeping daughter, and hurried downstairs. Brushing her teeth and doing her hair and makeup could wait. She angrily grabbed her coat, slipped into her boots, and grabbed some gloves and a hat.

Callie was nearly done with the driveway by the time Jada made it outside. She had second thoughts about going to kick Callie's ass when she opened the door and was greeted by a face full of snow blowing sideways. Jada's mom and sister were coming to visit later this afternoon.

Jada was nervous for her wife to meet her sister. Grace was supposed to come home for Christmas, but her plans ended up falling through when she was asked to stay a few weeks later. It wasn't Callie she was worried about, it was her sister. It had been years since Jada and Grace lived together with their mom. Jada never fully came out to Grace, and Grace only knew that she liked women a little bit and she got a lot of shit from her sister for it. Now Grace was going to meet Jada's wife and the daughter they had together.

Jada watched and waited until Callie finally noticed her. Upon seeing her, Callie put on her irresistible guilty smile.

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres!" Jada yelled across the blowing wind, getting the guilty smile to stretch wider.

"Jaelynn Marie Torres!" Callie yelled back.

Upon seeing the love sparkling in Callie's eyes and hearing how the tone of her voice shifted ever so slightly in excitement, Jada found it impossible to be angry with the adorable girl whom she got to call her wife.

Callie stopped the snowblower and turned it off. "You come to take over?" she asked. "I saved the best part for you, the side of the garage with all the snow drifts."

Jada walked farther out into the cold toward Callie. "I came to yell at you but you're making it pretty hard to be upset with you."

"Sorry," Callie jokingly teased.

Maybe it was the hat. Callie was wearing a winter hat which really brought out her eyes and her long dark hair. She was so adorable.

"I think I'll leave the rest to you," Jada joked as she playfully pushed Callie's arm. "I don't want you to hurt yourself but you came this far already so I think you can finish it up."

"Alright," Callie said with a shrug. "Are you going to let me off the hook for dinner then? I know you wouldn't want me to re-open my stitches cooking in the kitchen."

Jada grabbed a handful of snow that was sitting atop the snowblower and shoved it in Callie's face. "You started this Jaelynn," Callie said as she took a few steps forward to catch Jada who was backing up. "Don't forget that you started this."

Jada already regretted putting on her snow pants at the last minute when she was waiting for Callie. Upon seeing the newly stoked fire in Callie's dark brown eyes, Jada knew she was done for. She tried and helplessly slipped on the snow trying to run.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now