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Life was great. As promised, Callie had lightened her workload and was now back to working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at the hospital while working Thursday and Friday from home. Jada's Callie was back.

On days when she worked at the hospital, Callie wouldn't leave until after nine and she would always be home before 5:30 at the latest. Jada loved being able to wake up beside her wife every morning and spend a few minutes cuddling before Callie had to get up for work.

The couple had started thinking of ideas for Baby Torres' nursery. Jada had 3D modeled the entire room on her computer and her and Callie had been choosing what they wanted and where. They had time before Baby Torres would be ready to meet the world.

Jada found herself to surprisingly enjoying being pregnant. Of course, the not so fun part was still to come. But Callie had been treating her like royalty. Callie had always treated her like a queen, but even this was different and Jada was loving it.

She hadn't had to feed Sofia, clean up Sofia's mess, or work through their almost 2 year old's temper tantrums when Callie was home. Callie took care of everything including extremely good care of her pregnant wife.

Callie had even responded to Jada's cravings very well. Whatever she wanted, she got. And that included lots and lots of lovemaking. Jada swore she'd never felt her body this horny before she had gotten pregnant. The sexual cravings had turned into very unorthodox desires.

When Jada wanted kinky sex, she got kinky sex.

And that's where she was headed. Callie was taking a shower after the couple painted with Sofia. Callie had retreated to the basement after for a quick workout. Now that Sofia was down for her afternoon nap, Jada planned on asking her wife to satisfy the craving she desired.

Jada laid down on their bed and waited for Callie to finish. Her hands immediately settled on her small baby bump. Her body hadn't drastically changed yet, but it was enough for her and Callie to notice. Jada found it so cute how Callie absolutely adored her little bump. And to think that little bump was going to grow in the coming months and be their second child.

They also hadn't decided if they wanted to learn the baby's gender as soon as they could, or wait until the baby was born. Jada was looking forward to either a boy or a girl. It didn't matter. She was having a freaking baby with Callie Torres.

Although she was beyond excited for their second child, Jada was nervous to go through childbirth. It was painful and it was not fun and that was what Callie had told her from experience. Even though Callie rarely used her Lynx powers anymore, she used them for Jada. After she nearly died last year, Callie retired from being the crime battling badass Lynx. She had even wanted to give up her powers fully, but Jada had asked her not to.

Jada wanted Callie's abilities to keep their family safe in case they ever found themselves in real danger. And Callie had now been learning a way to take away Jada's pain. She was always very successful, but it did work. Callie could settle her body and relieve her pain and stress just from a touch.

Hearing the blow dryer turn off, Jada smiled to herself. Callie was done with her shower and she was going to get what she desperately wanted in 30 seconds.

It was obvious Callie wasn't expecting the sight before her. But the look of surprise on Callie's face quickly turned into that of arousal. Jada even guessed that Callie had sensed her presence in the bedroom as she came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her body.

"Hi baby."

"Hey," Callie replied back. "What's going on here?"

"I think you know," was Jada's reply.

Jada pulled the sheet off of her body to reveal her entirely nude body. She had undressed while thinking about Callie and everything Callie before she slipped into bed.

She would never get tired of Callie's reactions upon seeing her. Callie's face lit up with even more arousal and Jada could feel her excitement. Her eyes never left Jada's body, but scanned every single curve. Jada's heart felt like it left her chest. She loved feeling irresistible to Callie Torres.

With a smile, Callie slightly tilted her head to the side with a lopsided grin. "Yes Callie."

Jada happily watched Callie drop her towel where she had been standing before eagerly making her way to the bed. In a moment, Jada's naked wife hovered above her.

"You are hot."

Callie shook her head. "Thank you, but that is all you Jaelynn."

"Are you going to still tell me that when I'm busting out with our baby?"

"Absolutely," Callie replied with a smile. "Because you are amazingly gorgeous and perfect. And I love you so much."

"I love you too Calliope. But you are the definition of perfection-"

Before Jada could say anything else, her train of thought and words were cut off by a kiss from Callie. And she was perfectly okay with that. She had been wanting to kiss Callie so badly.

"Callie baby?"


"Can you please do me like right now?" Jada pleaded.

With a smile and a soft chuckle, Callie nodded as she reached over the side of the bed and to their favorite drawer. "Yes sweetheart."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now