42. Auston

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It's been a month passed since the new season started, and ever since, I have always noticed myself staring at the pictures of me and Georgina that I have on my phone right before I head on the ice. It became more like a ritual now before I hit the ice, I even consider it as a lucky charm now. I smiled, knowing how stupid it is for thinking that it is the reason why the team have been winning games and I happen to lead the stats on the highest pointer at the pre-season.

"You know, instead of looking at her pictures you can go see her in person right?"

"Fuck!" I cursed completely surprised. "What are you still doing here?"

"Uhh... to call you?" Mitch answered. " Dude, your pre-game ritual is becoming inconvenient. Don't you know that?"

"Shut up! There's still fifteen minutes left before the game starts." I reasoned out.

"Seriously Auston, you can go come see and talk to her if you want."

I only sighed.

"You've been stalking her non-stop, you know she broke the engagement few days after the two of you got busted." He added. "Considering she wrote you a letter telling how much she loves you and ask for a chance? What's stoping you? You clearly still love her too."

"I'm giving us more time..."

Fuck that time, I actually don't care.

"For what exactly? Sulking?" Mitch said and starts shaking his head. "Friendly advice buddy, this whole career that we have right now is fucking nothing compared to having someone that you love on your side who's there with you whether you win or not."

"I know." I replied.

Mitchy is right. The short amount of time I have with G feels like a full periods of real hockey. The anticipation and excitement of the first period, the escalating buildup of the second, and then the sheer intensity of the third that results in that unexplainable feeling of happiness knowing that you have achieved something. A win, a loss, a tie. It doesn’t matter. It’s still the most powerful feeling in the world, nothing ever ties to it!

"Don't ever waste your time." Mitchy said and pats my shoulder. "Now time to go beat the Bruins, kid. Let's go!"

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