21. Georgina

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  Me: i'll just pay u!

   Auston: yeah. u'll pay me with a date!

  Me: a date? and why would i agree on that?

   Auston: bc i don't need ur money, wifey.

  Me: yeah right. I forgot u're a multi-millionare hockey star!

  Auston: lucky for u!

I sent him a rolling eyes GIF smirking. Auston and I have been exchanging texts since last night talking about nonsense. Now, I ask him if he is free to come hangout with Caleb at his school's rink.

My mom's going on a two day meeting in Seattle, it was supposed to be attended by me but I let her attend it herself since I was planning to take the weekends to come hangout with my little brother. I was serious about wanting to get close to him.

I put my phone on my side pocket when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I'm currently at my mom's house to come pick Caleb up. When the kid saw me he immediately shouted my name with complete excitement, ran and hugged me.

"Hi George!" He greeted as I hugged him. "Mom told me that we'll hangout together while she's away, is it true?"


"You sure you're gonna be okay with him?" Ryan, mom's new husband asks as he helps my mom carry her bags down the stairs.

I nodded. "I'm good with kids!"

"Well, if you can't handle you can just drop him here anytime. I'm just home anyway."

I chuckled. "No it's okay. I'll take him home tomorrow afternoon."

"Glad you're hanging out for the first time." My mom commented looking at me and Caleb who's clinging at me. "Anyway, this is his bags. One contains his clothes for the weekend, and this one is his hockey equipments. You can call me if you need anything!"

"Okay mom! I can handle him." I said taking the bags.

"Shall we go now honey?" Ryan inserted. "You'll gonna be late for your flight."

"Shall we go now too Caleb?" I ask my brother.

"Let's go!" He shouts and I couldn't help but giggle.

When all of us went out heading to our individual cars, my mom called me back again and gave us a quick hug!

"I love you both! Take good care."

I only managed to nod.

"I love you too mom!" Caleb says.

I sighed looking at my mom hopping inside Ryan's car. If she did not left, I will surely get used to that kind of gestures.

"Hey George! Let's get going." Caleb calls. "I'm excited to go to the rink!"

"Sure thing!" I said and get inside the car. "But before we head straight to the rink. Let's me just pick a friend real quick!"

I said and texted Auston that we're already on our way to come pick him up. While on the way, I did not waste anytime to chat my brother and ask who is his favorite hockey player.

And I am definitely not surprised that his answer is Auston, according to my own research he's one of the best players in the league. And he never fails to prove that even on the start of his NHL career, the people of Toronto even call him a savior. So I guess, I won't be surprised if little kids like my brother who loves hockey looks up to him.

"You badly want to see him again, Caleb?"

My brother nodded fastly. "I want to have a picture with him agai and get my jersey signed. I watched his game with daddy before but I didn't get the chance to see him up close, not until on your birthday party but that was really quick. He then left!"

I smiled widely sighing. Gosh! I'm going to be such a great sister on what I'm about to do today! He doesn't have any idea that we're not going on the rink today like what he always do on the weekends.

"Are you a fan of him too? You're friends right."

I smiled at the question, feeling my heart skip a bit. I actually don't know what to say I haven't seen Auston play, I'm not so much interested on the game as well. But maybe, basing on the things that Auston have done for me-- the way he made me laugh, taking me to Mexican food places, concerts and tease the heck out of me.

"I guess I am..."

"We should watch his games soon George!" Caleb suggests.

"What if instead of watching his game, you guys will play against each other?" I said giving him little hints but I know he is a kid, he won't get that.

Caleb giggled. "Soon! When I grow up. I want to be his line mate."

"Oh so you want to be a hockey star when you grow up?"

"Yeah." Caleb answers. "Mommy wants that too! She said that I'm going to be."

I sighed. Remembering what my mom told me when I was a kid. I told her I want to be a broadway actress, she said the same words too.

And so when I get the chance to participate on theater play at school she was there supporting me. She also took me to summer acting classes and auditions to one of the theater companies around the city. That was probably the last days of my happiness, after she left, everything died. Including that dream.

I sighed whisking away that thought and pulled over at the underground parking lot of Auston's apartment building, waiting for him.

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