31. Auston/Georgina

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I made it home from walking Felix down to a small noise coming from the kitchen.

"G?" I called out after removing my dog's leash.

"In here!" She calls back.

I head straight to where she is and as I enter the kitchen, my girl is busying herself cooking something that smells so delicious. I went to her hugging her real tight from the back kissing her bare shoulders.

"You're kind of early." I said not stopping from planting kisses from her neck down to her bare arms, she can't help but giggle.

Usually she arrives here at eight, but now she is home as early as six. Wow! The word, home.

"I'm not that busy in the office, and besides I missed cooking something for dinner. It's been like weeks of eating out or delivery all the time!" She says glaring at me.

"You should have just told me, I'll cook for you!" I said.

She stopped what she's doing and looked at me studying my face. "Really?"

I shrugged. "I mean... I'll try my best to cook something for you."

"And what would that be?" She asks putting some peppers and salt on the food and closed it using the pan cover right before facing me.

"I'm telling you, it is not omelet."

She laughs again. "Seriously Matthews how did you survive staying here in Toronto all throughout the year eating only but food coming from takeout?"

"Hey! I cook homemade food for myself. But not that much, and I don't stay here all year long. I'm only here during game season." I explained.

"The Maple Leafs already got eliminated early in the season."

"Well yeah! But you are the exact reason why my ass is still here." I said trying not to feel awkward and hurt with the issue.

She giggles a bit right before sighing, grabbing my neck to kiss me. "I know, I'm sorry."

I sighed this time. "Aren't you scared?" I slowly ask as I caress her face, admiring it very much.

She kissed my calloused hands. "I like you Auston."

Like! I said at the back of my mind.

She giggles. "I like the way you make me smile. I like the way you tease the crap out of me which is funny to think that I used to get annoy with it. You made me experience things that I have never experienced in such a long time. You bring out the side of me that I have hidden for so long. I like myself when I am with you Matthews! And it's crazy to think that I hate you at the very beginning, and yet you ended up being the person who brings out something better than the version of myself that I know now."

I don't know if it's appropriate to cry but I can feel the water works on my eye, and its about to fall. I kissed her deeply, hungrily! Totally driven by the sweet words that came out from her mouth. We kissed and kissed not wanting to stop, however, the food that Georgina is cooking already smelt like burning so we had to stop.

She laughs ending the kiss. "Okay! We need to stop."

"Can we just eat dinner later?" I impatiently said.

She only smiles, looking me straight to my eye.

"Will you do me a favor?” she asks.

“Of course,” I said.

“No matter what I ask?”

I nodded. "Yeah."

“Will you make love to me? And not think if it might be the last time, if ever something happens?”

I did not gave any answers because I don't want to think of it indeed. I grab her carrying her towards the bedroom and make love to her all night long. Things will get shitty soon, but this moment right now should not be spoiled. I love her and I will cherish all the moments I have with her.



I left Auston's apartment at six in the morning the next day heading back to my own apartment. I wasn't home for two weeks or so. I know what I was doing and that is the fact that I am already cheating!

I needed some time to think! To decide!

I'm about to get married, and yet here we are! Doing the dirty, with Auston! Who happens to be my legally wedded husband. Last night was a dick move, I told Auston what I feel for him but I just can't control my urges whenever I'm with him. He makes me so alive! It's scarring me. Because I came to the realization that the longer I stay with him, the longer I wanted to just stay and fuck everything!

Fuck my fiancé! Fuck my job! Fuck my Dad! Fuck the company! Fuck everything that I have and be with Auston. But I know I can't just do that without turning our worlds upside down!

That is why I need a breather, I need to think and decide on what I really want. I sighed trying to calm myself inside the taxi heading to my place, I specifically told Auston not to drive me home since I still have some errands to go to while on the way.

My phone suddenly vibrates as a text message popped on the screen.

  Sean: hey baby! Guess who's back?

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