28. Auston

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I picked Georgina on her place this time, she's already coming down since I just decided to go wait for her in the parking lot.

When she arrived, the feeling I felt the first time I saw her came back again. She's breathtaking in her white floral long dress, I was speechless. She stood in front of me studying my look from head to toe, I couldn't talk! But based on her expression I can really tell that she's not happy with my outfit.

"Really Auston?"


"A turtle-neck on a suit?" She asks.

"Yeah, why? What's up with it?"

She released a frustrated sigh. "Why do you have to ruin such wonderful suit and tie?"

"It's called fashion G." I replied. "Now come on we'll be late."

On the way to the theater house, Georgina never failed to ask me about my quick trip back home in Arizona. I told her everything except for the meeting I have with the Cayotes, I don't want to talk about hockey at the moment because I wanted a break out of it. Not that it didn't go well, it was a nice meeting actually but I was just not paying attention too much of it, because at the moment I really don't care much about any contract. As long as I'm playing hockey I'm all for it, plus there's still few months before the new season starts. I have a bigger problem than that anyway.

"Do you guys always get invites to watch theater plays?" She asks.

I nodded. "The Maple Leafs organization is pretty active in supporting the theater company. Some chosen players even have little cameos on some productions once a year."

She giggled. "Really? Have you been chosen?"

I laughed remembering the fun times experiencing theater play. "Yeah, Mitchy and I did the Nutcracker."

Georgina laughs. "Oh my god! I can't even imagine. What did you guys do? Dance?"

"We're one of the clowns actually, fun times!"

"Wow, how I wish I've watched that."

I looked on her way. "And what? Make fun out of me? I know you too well woman!"

"You do?" She said looking back at me, I was just silent. She giggled a bit. "That's nice to know!"

I was just about to ask her what does she mean about it but, we already arrived and Mitch is already waiting for us at the main door of the establishment. As I gave the valet my car keys, Mitch and his fiancé said their hi's to us.

"Hey Georgina! Looking great!" Mitchy greeted. "This is my fiancé Stephanie."

"Hello, just call me Steph." She introduced shaking G's hands. "So finally I meet Auston's wife."

"She knows," Mitchy inserted. "I hope you don't mind."

Georgina smiled for the first time not protesting on anything. "It's okay. I'm Georgina."

"Shall we go now? The play starts in a minute." Mitchy suggests. "I already reserved us a nice seat."

The two couple walked ahead of us, G looked at my way and we started walking. Surprisingly, she laced her arms around mine as we head to the venue. I couldn't help but grin.


I heard her sigh. "It's been a while since the last time I went to a theater play."

"What have you been doing in the past years, eh?" I asked. "Everytime I bring you somewhere it's always your first time after so many years. Have you gone into an hermit yourself?"

She giggled. "I know! I was way too serious about achieving something! Don't worry you're here already anyway."

"Anything for you G." I said and took her hands to go kiss it.

Again, she did not protested. She just let me.

The four of us made ourselves comfortable at one of the VIP seats in the theater, there's only few of us here overlooking the stage. Ten minutes later the whole place turns black leaving only but the lights on the stage.

I felt G's hands on top of my hands that is resting on the seat handle. She's really focused on watching the said play, the whole time I was just admiring her not minding the play itself. She smiles on the cute parts, laughs at the funny part and frowns on not so good parts.

Few minutes on the play, as a little girl and boy took over the whole stage dancing. Water started forming on her eyes, the scene is not sad but I don't why she's being emotional. Seconds passed, tears started falling down her eyes.

I wasn't the only one who noticed it, Mitchy noticed it too. Thank god he brought some handkerchief with him, he handed it to me. I immediately offered it to Georgina.

She chuckled as she accepts it. "I'm sorry! I just remembered something."

She wipes her tears, and without asking for any permission I wrapped my right arm on her shoulder letting her head rest on it. She obliged and make herself comfortable, I kissed her head.

We stayed on that position until the play finishes. We only moved when everybody was already standing to give the whole theater company a standing ovation.

"Oh! I just missed my childhood." She commented as she claps hard looking at the stage.

I looked on her. "Was that the reason why you're crying a while ago?"

She looked straight to my soul and nodded.

The four of us went on our separate ways once the play finishes, we didn't mingled that much since we avoid the chance of getting photographed for the sake of Georgina and I. We didn't thought about it not until Mitch himself remind us to do so, he was such a great man for doing that.

Sometimes, it's really funny to think that both of us forgets our situation which is to avoid being together in public.

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