36. Auston

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"... if I could just turn back time, I would have told you how much you mean to me. How you changed me, how you changed the perspective I have in reality. How you made me brave, how you made me realize that there's so much to life than being inside an office hustling to make an empire.
You made me realize so much letting me figure out what I really want and what are the things that will make me feel genuinely happy.
You made me happy Auston.
So please, talk to me. I want to see you! There are so many things I wanted to tell you, if you could just talk to me.

As tears keep on falling down my eyes listening to G's voicemails, I'm also waiting for her to say the words I fucking want to hear. The words saying that she loves me, but zero. I wanted to convince myself after hearing all her voice messages, reading her texts but then I already got hurt and I don't want any more damage to it.

I may have made Georgina realize a lot about herself, taught her a lot of things but it doesn't guarantee that she's willing to give up her life and especially her family for me, or even her fiancé Sean. I was just her side man, it doesn't gave me the guarantee that she's willing to take the risk for me. I'm just a goddamn athlete!

A few moments passed I gathered my shit together and called Attorney Fischer. It is now or never, I'm letting Georgina go! This decision is fucking strange to me, I am a fighter. If I want something I work hard to get it, but when it comes to her... I am just not. I was just the person who ruined her perfect life, so why would she settle for me? Fighting for her would be such a waste of time when I definitely know she doesn't love me.

"Mr. Matthews! What a great timing, I was about to call you and tell the news that the divorce papers are ready for signing." Attorney Fischer said the moment he picked my call.

I sighed, guess I'll take this as a sign. "I was callin about that actually. Can I sign that today already?"

"Sure thing Mr. Matthews, text me your address and I'll bring this to you. Is Miss Rodriguez available to sign it too?"

"Please don't tell her yet, we'll arrange that once you get here." I said sighing.

At around ten, Attorney Fischer arrived at my place and immediately went straight to our business. He fished out the paper I need to sign put from his briefcase, prepared his pen and put them on the coffee table sliding it to me.

I can't remember how many times I released a long sigh to take away the fast beating of my heart as I read the paper. Fuck! This divorce paper should not be massive deal for me because as what this paper contains, we are just mistakenly married but we have to do the legal measures to invalidate the marriage.

I should not feel so heartbroken right now like it's as if the marriage between me and G is true. Goddamn it!

"Mr. Matthews?" I heard attorney called which snapped me back to what is happening around.

"Yeah?" I answered.

*We can postpone this if you're not actually ready. The papers can wait."

"No, let's get this over with." I replied and signed the papers hearing my heart broke into pieces. In just a piece of paper, the only thing that was making me and Georgina connected no longer exists.

"Please don't inform Georgina about me signing the papers yet." I asked attorney right after finishing signing the it. "Not until tomorrow."

"Of course."


Two hours before my flight back to Scottsdale, I called for Morgan and Mitch to drive me down to the airport. They made fun out of me at first because according to Morgan, ever since we became teammates this is the first time I ask them to drive me to the airport. But after I told them about what happened between me and Georgina, they were all silenced and agreed to do so.

When they went to come pick me up, they decided to chill at the airport's parking lot drinking beers and pizza. I decline drinking beer because aside from the fact that I have a flight, I have been drinking fireball in the past couple of days! I need to sober up and get my shit together or else I'll looked even more fucked up when I get home.

"I knew there's already something between you two." Mitch commented and chugged on his beer. We're now chilling at the back of Morgan's truck talking. Morgan chose a not so crowded and dim spot so that we won't get recognized. I was suppose to ride an early flight but I have to sign the papers earlier this morning, so I rescheduled it to ten evening flight.

"Have you guys talked already?" Morgan asks and I just shake my head.

"I mean what's the point?" I replied. "Clearly, she won't chose me and she already made it obvious that night. Saying that we didn't talk about what was happening between us."

"So that means you're letting her go now?" Morgan asks again.

"Truth be told, but she's not even mine in the first place."

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