20. Auston

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This version of Georgina that I see in front of my eyes having a good time singing and dancing along to Lauv's live music never fails to surprise me.

I did not expect that taking her to yet another concert was a perfect birthday surprise.

"I'm having so much fun! Can you tell?" She says looking back at me as I am standing few inches away from her.

"No, it is not obvious." I said sarcastically. And the song I Like Me Better started to play causing for her to drop her jaws in excitement.

"Oh my god its my favorite!" She screams taking both of my hands. As the beat drops to its chorus she started dancing.

She looked straight to my eyes mouthing the lyrics I like me better when I'm with you, winks at me and danced like no ones watching.

I almost shit on my pants but decided to whisk that thought away and held her swaying and jamming to the song with her.

We've never been this close before ever since we met, as Georgina clings into my arms that are now wrapped around her waist letting me hold her from the back. I don't want the song to be over or even this night! It's her birthday but I feel like I am the one who's given a great gift!

The song is right, I like me better when I'm with G! I hope she feels the same way with me too...


After the concert I took her to the nearest Mexican diner in town to go eat some late dinner. As we enter the establishment G is still high from the concerts energy which made me to laugh as I follow her inside the place.

"I didn't know that I was starving until just now! Oh! Are they still open?" She said realizing that we're the only people inside.

"Yup! For us." I said. Right before anything else I already made an arrangement with the owner who is a good friend of mine to let me and Georgina eat some late dinner on their diner right before they close.

"Because it's your birthday!" I added. This is also one of my surprises for her, when she went into my apartment for the first time she freaked out on the left over Hurchata and mentioned that she had a Mexican nanny who cooks Mexican food for her. After that day, I made a mental list that she likes Mexican food.

"They're supposed to be close like two hours ago."

"The owner is a good friend of mine." I said just in time Mali came out of the kitchen.

"Auston!" She greeted with her thick Mexican accent.

"Hey Mali! Great to see you." I greeted giving her a quick hug. "Thank you for doing this."

"Oh it's nothing son." She said and darted her gaze to G. "Is this the birthday girl?"

"Yeah, Mali this is Georgina." I introduced. "G this is Mali, the owner."

"¡hola! Mucho gusto." Georgina greeted shyly.

Mali smiles and shook her hands. "Mucho gusto. Feliz compleaños hija!"

"Gracías." G replied giggling.

"You speak Spanish?" Mali asks.

"A bit." Georgina replied.

Mali chuckles and looked to me. "Glad you chose our place to bring her Auston. Anyway, you guys can seat now and we'll serve your dinner."

"Do you always come here? Seems like you and the owner are pretty close." Georgina asks as we both cozied ourselves at the booth near the window overlooking the city streets.

"If my family comes to visit me or watch my game, we always eat here epecially my mom. I did an interview here once too so that was then Mali became close to us." I replied.

Later on, Mali and one of her crews served us our food and left us right away to enjoy our meal. She's also kind enough to serve G their best dish as a birthday special for her. Georgina obviously looked like she has never eaten in a day for immediately digging into the food real quick.

"Gosh! I was really hungry."  She says in the middle of everything. "And this is Mexican food! So this is amazing. Thank you Matthews you're the best!"

"De nada!" I said.

"Hmm! Wow!" She says and drink her Hurchata right before speaking again. "That's the first time I heard you saying something in Spanish. Do you even know how to speak Spanish? You're half-Mexican right?"

I nodded. "I only know a bit. I can't speak that good but I can understand."

"I see." She said nodding. "Does your mom speaks the language at home?"

"Yeah, all the time!"

She smiles. "Is she like your typical Mexican mom?"

"No. She seems really sweet actually."

"Is she a good cook?"

I nodded. "Very... That's one of the many things I miss back home, actually!"

"I hope to meet her and get the chance to eat one of her dishes." She says.

I chuckled. "So you want to meet my parents? You want that formalities now huh, wifey?"

"Shut up! I just want to try the food that she cooks."

"You'll meet her soon." I assured her. "Well not just her, also my Dad and my sisters. You're my wife after all."

She rolled her eyes and threw her table napkin at me. "How many siblings do you have by the way?"

"Two." I replied. "Older sister Alex and younger sister Breyanna. You?"

"I'm an only child of my parents. But I do have two stepbrothers from my Dad and younger half-brother Caleb from my mom."

"Are you close to them?"

"Nope! My stepbrothers and I barely see each other since they live in Berlin. And with Caleb, I'm trying to be close to him now that I am here in Toronto. I have a pretty rough relationship with my mom so I barely have the time to hangout with him. He plays hockey by the way."

"Well, I can help you with that!"

"Yeah, I was thinking about that actually! For sure that little guy knows who you are. Maybe one of these days I'll let him meet you."

"That's a plan! Count me in."

She sighed smiling at me. "Thank you Auston! Who would have thought that we'll be friends after the crazy first meet up? Like seriously, I hated you that time!"

I nodded. "I know, because I was being an ass and didn't take the news seriously!"

"I'm glad you're aware!" She says.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am."

"You're just a jerk!" She chuckles.

We stayed there talking and getting to know each other more not realizing that it is already past one. At exactly two a.m. I dropped Georgina on her front door, she never failed to thank me a hundred times tonight.

"I never had so much fun on my actual birthday in such a long time." She says sighing. "I don't literally think the word thank you is enough."

"It was nothing G, really! I had so much fun too."

"You're a great friend Matthews."

Ouch! Friend-zoned right in the feels.

I heard her sigh. "Promise me we'll still be friends after our divorce."

"Of course we will! And why wouldn't we?"

"Yeah right." She said giggling a bit. "Anyway, you should go now. It's already way too late."

And before I go, I kissed her on the forehead. I don't care how stupid that move was, and how I saw G's surprised face because of what I did.

"Happy Birthday Georgina."

I said and walked away not waiting for her to say any word.

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