40. Georgina

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There are things in life where as much as you need and want it, you cannot have it. But the most important thing that we will carry with us as we continue in this life is the amount of realizations those things gave us when it comes to knowing who we really are and knowing what real happiness means to us.

As I sat on my bed looking at the divorce papers Attorney Fischer mailed me earlier this morning, I couldn't help the tears from coming out of my eyes.

He already signed it. About a week ago...

There's nothing that will keep us still connected now, he already ended it. It's funny and yet stupid to feel hurt since these was just all a product of a silly incident, but they way it crashes me feels like I am having an actual divorce-- getting divorced by someone that you cherished so much!

But then, he has to go... I totally understand. I know for a fact that he also got hurt, I am well aware that he wants us to be together but I got so confused and didn't know what to say even if I knew that I want to be with him.

I don't want to be selfish and as well as to be unfair to him. My life right now especially when it comes to my family needs fixing and I need to do that first, I need to fix myself to be a better person for Auston. Yes, it doesn't mean that I am giving him up-- no! I just need some time and I guess he needs it too. By the time, I am ready soon I'll win him over only if he still want me back. And if he doesn't... I'll get there soon.

I grab a pen and a piece of paper, instead of texting him or giving him a call which I knew for a fact that he will just ignore. I decided to write him a letter instead putting everything that I want him to know and the things that is currently going on with my life.

After almost an hour of pouring my heart and thoughts into writing, I gather myself up and drive down to his place in the hopes of seeing even if I know that he doesn't want to see me. I did try visiting him at his apartment last week but accordingly, he wasn't around.

I exhaled as I exited the elevator heading to his apartment's door clinging at the small envelop where I put my letter. I didn't knock, I just slipped the letter under the door hoping well enough that he will read it. After doing so, I gather few seconds to calm myself right before walking out. But to my great surprise the door suddenly opens...

"Oh my god, I didn't know someone is in there." I said in great surprise.

"Did you slide this?" The woman asked holding at my letter, she seems familiar.

I nodded. "Auston is not around, but I can give this to him."

"Thank you so much."

"I'm his sister, your Georgina right?" She asks smiling calmly at me.

I nodded smiling back. "And... You're... Breyanna? If I remembered it right?"


"Oh! Right... Yeah, sorry. I totally suck at remembering names."

"It's all good." She replies, and after few seconds the awkwardness took over and I guess that would be my signal to go.

"Guess, I'll be going..." I said slowly.

"Sure..." She replied and so I started walking but she calls me back again. "I'm sorry about what happened with you two."

I nodded, totally trying real hard not to cry in front of her. "Please tell Auston I am really sorry."

She nodded.

"Bye Alex! Nice to see you in person."

"Nice to see you too... I'll promise to tell Auston and give him this." She assured referring to the letter.

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