8. Auston

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Forty-five minutes later, I started tapping my hands on the conference room table. I’m running out of patience and I want this whole meeting to be over. George is waiting for me at one of the VIP rooms in here and I’m afraid that she might get bored or something.

The Maple Leafs management is currently planning some few PR's and plans for the next few months right after the game season is over. But I didn't listened to it the whole time, because my mind flies to where Georgina is.

“We’re doing an official press release about the free agents next week.” One of our public relations officers said and I didn’t gave a damn on listening to it anymore. I want to get out of here immediately.

Few more minutes passed and we’re done. I didn’t stick for long and mingled with the people on the room, instead I went straight to the room where George is waiting for me.

Despite of my not-in-the-mood aura, thinking about the fact that I am seeing her today sends a bit of an excitement in my chest. This is really silly but the first time I saw her realizing that she was my wife, I felt real happiness for the first time. It’s even beyond the bliss that I felt every time I am on the ice, it’s completely surreal considering the fact that I don’t even know her.

I indeed acted like an idiot jerk in front of her when we first met, the time when I told her about not wanting to break the marriage.

However, that was all just a joke and to make fun out of her. I may have a little crush on her. I’m just gonna say it, but I don’t want to be married myself yet. I’m totally not ready for that!

I head straight to the nearest room where Georgina awaits for me, as I open the door I was expecting her to come start nagging at me but thankfully she’s busy on her phone.

“Hey! Let’s go?” I mouthed, keeping my voice low. She lift a finger signalling me to wait.

“How come I didn’t know you’re already dating someone?” Jake, my manager suddenly appeared next to me looking at Georgina.

“I’m not dating her.” I said in complete honesty. But since I am fund of making fun out of her I dropped the wife-bomb again as she joins me and Jake on the door. “She’s my wife.”

“Your wife?” Jake echoed in complete shock.

“It’s a long story!” I quickly said. “Who was that?” I asked beaming at her.

“My Dad.” She answered. “Ready to go?”

“Sure.” I said and noticed that Jake haven’t leaved yet. “Oh! How rude of me. Georgina, this is Jake my manager. Jake this is Georgina, my wife.”

She glared at me once again. “Stop telling people that I’m your wife Matthews, for goodness sake!” she hissed and extended her hands to my manager.

“Ignore him. Nice to meet you!”

“I don’t know what’s happening right now, but nice to meet you too. Should I call you Mrs. Matthews?” Jake said which made to snicker.

“Absolutely not.” She said plastering a huge smile. “I am Miss Georgina Rodriguez. But you can call me George.”

“George, right.” Jake echoed and secretly nudged me on my side. “Wife huh?”

“Whatever.” I just said dragging George with me. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Few moments later, we hop unto my car heading to my place.

“What place are you suggesting?” Georgina asked.

“My place.”

“What? No. We’re not going at your place. Pull over on the nearest restaurant we’ll talk in there.”

The Husband: An Auston Matthews FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now