34. Georgina

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I fell on my knees as I saw the red tail lights of Auston's car getting away, he left me! These whole scene is familiar! This happened to me twice now. Another person who's really important to me left me again!

I stayed there crying wanting Auston to come back, but I know that he won't. I know the reason why he left me and that's because I couldn't decide, and I am still a coward. Afraid to let go of everything that I have and live the kind of life that I wanted, just because I am afraid to disappoint my parents.

"What the hell was that?" Someone coming from my back sounded causing me to flinch. When I looked back my whole family was there, my Dad is wearing the expression of disappointment and confusion, and so was everybody. "Is there something you want to tell us Georgina?"

"George? What's going on?" Sean slowly said as his features starts to darken.

"Everybody, let's just go inside and let them talk." Sean's mom suggested.

"No!" I stopped her. I have to tell them the truth just to be over at once. I don't care what will happen next but I am already tired of keeping this whole thing a secret. I'm done!

"I cheated on Sean." I said without any hesitation, I heard gasps but I decided to continue not giving everyone the time to react. "I'm married to Auston for two years now--"

Another gasps.

"What!?" Sean reacted. "You're married?"

"Don't play that bullshit on us Georgina! Don't put such an embarrassment to this family!" My Dad shouted.

"Well guess what Dad, I already did!" I said finally gathered enough courage to talk back. "I'm done Dad! I'm done pleasing you and doing all the things that you want me to do. I want to be free Dad! Free from all of you!"

"Fine then you little brat!" My dad shouted. "From now on you're no longer part of this family and don't expect that I will help you any single cent! You're all on your own now! Forget all your heir from me!"

I expected that! For so long I have known that, because that's actually the reason why I don't want to mess up! But now I do. And I don't care if I start from scratch!

My dad walked away heading to his own car, Sean's parents and Steve followed. I was left with Sean and Shane who's standing behind him. I have never seen Sean looks so angry like this before but I know what he feels, of course who doesn't get angry and disappointed about getting cheated on?

"I cannot believe you've done this to me!" Sean started. "How could you?"

I thought I'll be strong enough to hear Sean reacting about these whole situation, but I was wrong. I started sobbing again, I know I ruined our great relationship! We're getting married.

"I am so sorry, Sean." I started. "What I did was totally wrong and I don't expect you to forgive me."

"All these time you were cheating on me?" He said in complete frustration. "You're married for two years with that asshole?"

"It's not what you think it is Sean!"

"Oh really? Then what is it?"

"I accidentally got married! I even figured it out like five months ago when I was getting my CENOMAR, because I was so ready to go marry you... And--and that was the day I met Auston." I explained. "I secretly went here in Toronto to file our divorce papers and things just---"

"Bullshit!" Sean hissed.

"I'm not lying to you Sean---"

"--And you expect me to believe that?"

I just cried because I know what he means, I admitted that I cheated so why would I expect that he'll believe me this time?

I heard him laugh as he shakes his head in great disappointment. "You're just like them! For sure the last few months I was in Berlin before you were whoring around!"

"Hey! Hey! Sean." His brother Shane finally inserted. "You're over the line bro, that's your fiancé after all."

"Not anymore I don't!" He says looking at me like I'm the dirtiest woman he have ever known. "There's no more wedding happening George! We're done."

I deserve that! I deserve it. I told myself as I cried even more being left there.

"Ignore Sean." Shane said which surprised me that he is still here.

"Shane, you're still here." I said wiping my tears dry.

"If you think that you've done the worse, don't be." He started confusing me. "He's been cheating on you too the entire time he was in Berlin."


"I'm sorry I had to say it, but if that makes you feel better then I will." Shane said.

"Oh my god!"

He only nodded. "I'll send you all the evidences, if you want to get even and kick his ass."

"Shane why are you doing this?"

"Because he is a huge asshole, you don't deserve him! He slut-shamed you and that is just wrong! Acting like he is also innocent. So just be relieved that the wedding is now canceled." He answered. "Please kick his ass for me."

After saying those revelations, he left me at my peace. I was left there alone still numb from the things that have happened a while ago. Few seconds passed, I started walking letting my feet take me to where it wants to go, only to be stopped by a car. I expected that it's Auston coming back, but no it is not, I should stop hoping that he'll come back.

"Georgina dear..."


She rushed to me after getting out of the car and hugged me real tight. "Are you okay?"

"Mom, I thought you left with dad!"

"I did, but only to talk to him. But he was in rage so it didn't went well."

"He now hates me." I said crying again. My mom pulled for a tight hug again.

"Hush now darling... You know what? I'm even proud of you for finally going against your dad."

"What?" I reacted releasing the hug to look at her.

I heard her sigh. "There's so many things you need to know and we have to talk about dear, now let's get you home! You really have a long day, you need to rest."

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