27. Georgina

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I felt like a zombie for the rest of the night, but of course I couldn't sleep when I finally crawled into bed. Sean has been constantly picking fights with me, all I ever did was just call him sacrificing my goddamn sleep to adjust on his timezone, tell him I miss him and ask if when will he come home, then he'll just end up answering me not to pressure him or something. I was just fucking asking him!

This is the third time that this happened! I was frustrated. I need him to go back because things between me and Auston... Argh! I don't even know the word. But I fell hard on him and I felt like I am already cheating to Sean!

If he could just come back home in order for myself to stop from hanging out and calling Auston! I'm going crazy but at the same time I am starting to feel attached.

If Sean makes me feel upset, Auston was there to cheer me up, put smile on my face and makes me feel like I am free! I am me when I'm with Auston and it scares me.

When I finally drifted off to sleep, it happened so gradually that I shifted seamlessly from meandering thoughts into a dream. I was thinking about Auston, as always ever since he went back to Arizona, imagining a conversation we'll have in his house when we next see each other.

But as my brain drifts from sleeping to waking, there was an almost-imperceptible shift in the feeling of the room. I can feel that something is about to happen.

Auston stood up from the couch across from me and walked towards me towards me. I thought he was speaking - something about my quote and quote marital duties, with a wicked smile on his face. Every nerve in my body was tingling with anticipation by the time he touched me. His fingers burned a trail down the side of my face, to my neck, down to my chest, and suddenly I was laid out on the couch my top unbuttoned and my skirt riding up my thighs.

This is just a dream - which I knew somehow, even as I sighed and parted my legs for him - he knew exactly how to touch me, knew all of the secret places that made me shudder and bite my lip. I could feel my nipples pucker and tighten as two of his fingers travelled down the valley between my breasts, pausing to dip into my navel before sliding down my lower stomach, teasing.

He looked up and smiled.

He leaned over me, resting his elbow on my side and brushing his lips against mine - an almost-but-not-quite kiss. I could feel my face burning, my chest heaving with every breath; I'd completely fallen to pieces and he'd hardly touched me at all. Yet.

The part of my brain that was aware I was dreaming drifted further and further away, allowing me to lose myself in the fantasy. I arched my back, signaling that I was more than ready for him. Then and only then, he swung my legs up on his broad shoulders until my skirt was bunched up around my waist.He leaned down and pressed a burning kiss on the inside of my thigh -

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

My arm reached at the direction of my bedside table, grasping for my vibrating phone shutting the alarm up! Oh, God. How was I going to face Auston without thinking of that dream?


The dream was still vivid in the back of my mind as I walked through the doors into the office. I kept my head down, hurrying to my office to settle in before anyone tried to strike up a conversation with me.
I need the few hours to focus on my duties today and prepare my report for my lunch meeting.

So far, ever since I took over the operations the company's performance and capital is increasing. I couldn't be more proud! I want to be amazing on my career as an architect and can actually run a real estate company. I want clients and future investors to see me as someone who actually knows the work without being attached to my father's name and his empire.

If I can save our company here in Toronto, for sure my dad will give me more projects in the future starting in that bidding we just won in Phoenix! I want that project.

Speaking of Phoenix, I wonder how Auston is doing... Well, he's probably on a meeting. Funny how I happen to know his schedule while he is away. I don't know about him as to why he laid down all his schedule at me few days ago. I don't know much about how the hockey world works but according to him, he is dealing with some contracts and offers since he is currently a free agent.

Few moments passed as I check my reports for the third time, my phone suddenly buzzes. It's Auston, I fixed myself first making sure I look good right before answering the video call.

"Hey!" I greeted after swiping it up.

"Hi G!" He greeted back grinning. "Good morning!"

"Good noon handsome!" I greeted back, only to realize that I said handsome.

"What did you just call me?" He asked.

"What? What did I say?" I act dumb! Oh goodness this is awkward.

"Did you just call me handsome?" He asked grinning like a complete idiot.

"Really? Did I?"

He laughed. "I knew it! You have a crush on me, wifey! Are you fantasizing over me?"

"You wish!" I said rolling my eyes. But the truth is, I am now! Damn it.

"Hey guess what."


"I'm going back tomorrow."

"Okay, did you accepted the offer from the Arizona hockey team? Your meetings are all done?"

Auston places his phone, from where I can see he is currently at the kitchen cooking something. And did I mention that he's topless? I have a delicious view of his chest and tatted arms, plus he's literally huge peaches. I'm indeed admiring this guy's physical features! I mean, who doesn't? I wonder how many girls he already have on his bed.

I adjusted on my seat, trying to calm myself. I don't know if he is doing this on purpose, but I am definitely trapped by his thirst traps!

"I couldn't decide yet." He replied grabbing some plates. "I'm still waiting for the Maple Leafs to give me another offer just in case they still want me on the organization."

"Are you kidding? For sure they always want you back." I said.

"Hopefully," he replies still busying himself. "Anyway, don't forget about the theater play tomorrow night okay?"

"Oh, that's tomorrow?" I replied.

"Yeah, you'd better go decide on what you'll wear." Auston says grinning. He knows me!

I laughed. When suddenly a woman came unto the screen.

"Oh!" I said in complete surprise.

"Hi!" She says waving.

I tried to plater a smile and wave.

"Bre! Who told you to interrupt someone's call? Where did you even come from?" Auston called out.

"China! I think." The girl answers, I suspect this is his sister. "Who is she?"

Auston looked at me trying to give a sorry smile and took the phone. Now his whole face is filling up the screen.

"Sorry about that! That was my little sister Breyanna."

I chuckled. "It's okay! She's gorgeous. You guys are pretty close?"

"Yeah, very." He replies.

"Miss Rodriguez?" My secretary calls up interrupting my call.

"Yeah?" I looked up.

Daisy taps on her watch. "Lunch meeting is in twenty minutes, some of the board members have already arrived."

"Oh! Okay. Thank you Daisy." I replied.

When she closes the door, I looked back on my screen again. Auston is already eating his breakfast.

"I have to go now, meeting is in twenty."

He smiled. "Goodluck wifey! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sure thing!" I replied. "I gotta go!"

He winks. "Take care gorgeous!"

I smiled feeling giddy right after I ended the call. Sighing, I prepared myself for the meeting.

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