19. Georgina

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As I walk inside my room when I arrived in my apartment, another surprise awaits for me on top of my bed there's a red heart shaped balloon that connects on a small red velvet rectangular box.

Happiest Birthday Gorgeous!

Sean xx

Says on the small card lying next to the box, when I opened it a silver necklace with a star shaped blue diamond pendant. I sighed, knowing that Sean spent hundred bucks for another jewelry on my birthday. I've been telling him a hundred times not to give me fancy jewelries because I don't need that, but he always keep on insisting and saying that jewelry is what every woman wants. But I don't!

I dialed his number right away, to thank him because how can I complain? He remembers my birthday, give me gifts and shows how much he loves me even he is far away. I dialed his number and was surprised that he immediately picked his phone up.

"Hey! You're still up?"

"Got some work to do!" He said as I hear a lot of commotions right before he speaks up again. "How do you like your present?"

"Love it all. Thank you so much!"

"Anything for my woman. Happy birthday!"

"Thank you. Wish you're home and celebrate it with me."

"I'm so sorry if I can't be there! But I swear I'll make it up soon honey." Sean says. "Do you have plans with friends there in Toronto tonight?"

"Yeah!" I said. "Some friends are taking me to dinner tonight."

"Well good to know, you'll be able to celebrate your day!"

"Yeah." I said slowly, because I am lying to Sean. I feel so guilty by now.

"Come on honey cheer up! I'll be home soon!" Sean says. "Now go on and get yourself ready."

"Right, I should." I said. "You too go get some rest Sean, I love you."

"Love you too. Bye!" He says and immediately hang up.

Why the rush?

After I rest the phone, I heard a knock on my door. Shit! For sure this is already Auston. I rushed on the door and I was right, a huge man is waiting outside wearing a Drew sky blue hoody and a yellow and white Drew baseball hat.

"Are we going to meet the Biebs for you to wear all his merch?" I asked gesturing him to come inside.

"And why are you still wearing your office outfit?" He says walking in.

"Because I just got home weirdo!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Get dressed." He orders.

"Who are you to order me around?" I rebutted.

"Your husband." He replied dropping his ass on my couch feeling himself at home.

I snickered. "I would never marry a guy who bosses me around!"

"Well guess what? You just did."

I nodded fake smiling. "Yeah, and that's why I am divorcing him!" I replied and sashayed away to my room and changed.

I decided to just wear my white Gucci shirt and a black jeans paired with some white sneakers to kind of match Auston's outfit. Guess where not going on some fancy place judging from his outfit.

I quickly retouched my make-up and tied my hair for a ponytail as I walk out of the room.

"Where are you exactly taking me tonight?" I ask still tying my hair.

"To dinner at some Mexican diner and... " He says grabbing something out from his pocket then waves it in front of me.

I took it out to see it myself.

"Concert tickets?" I said laughing. "Of who?"

"Guess who."

I read the details and I couldn't help but shriek. "Lauv? Oh my god! I've been dying to go see him live! But didn't get the chance to. How did you know that he's my favorite artist at the moment?"

He laughs. "Wait, he's your favorite? I didn't know that. I just saw you recently playing his song on your phone once. Then I heard his having a concert on the same day as your birthday so I decided to take you out and surprise you."

I couldn't help but chuckle in complete bliss and excitement causing me to give Auston a light hug. "Thank you!"

"Save it for later." He says smiling tapping my back. "Shall we go now?"

I nodded excitedly.

He chuckled. "You look like a five year old!"

I slapped his shoulder hearing his insults.

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