9. Georgina

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My talk with Auston is only but full of nonsense things. We can't absolutely last for one whole minute without him mocking me or hitting on me every two seconds. He is clearly making me lose my last two nerves before I finally snap into a three headed monster.

"You better stop what the hell you are doing before I turn your house upside down!" I warned him.

"I'm clearly not doing anything!" He reasoned out but I clearly know that he is.

I was about to discuss the possible things we should tell our lawyers but he just picked up the remote control seating on the coffee table in front of us.

"Then explain the remote control in your hands Mr. Matthews." I said looking at the remote control on his hand that is already positioned to turn on the goddamn TV.

"Well, I'm kind of bored so I'm deciding to watch TV."

"Really?" I finally snapped. "I'm seating right here discussing our case and you decided to watch TV because you're bored? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"How about this." He said adjusting on his seat so that he'll face me directly. "How about we'll discuss this tomorrow and enjoy a movie as of now?"

"For the love of god!" I hissed. "Would you please learn how to cooperate?"

"I am." He said in complete innocence.

Honestly, he is incorrigible! In the past few weeks I have never been able to discuss anything about our divorce because of him being a huge jerk. I was about to punch him but my phone suddenly rings inside my bag.

It's a text from my mom, asking if where I am followed by Liam who is demanding me to come back to the office immediately.

"You know what, I have to go." I announced facing my phone screen. "We'll talk about this soon. And please bring your brain and sanity with you next time because I seriously don't want to punch you!"

"Oh your mommy called?" He asked finally turning on the TV screen.

"No, she texted dumbass!" I barked back. "Please bring your lawyer with you. I can't deal with you anymore without a lawyer."

"I can't. I don't have any lawyer." He immediately replied.

"And why is that?" I asked in disbelief. He's a goddamn world professional athlete there's no way he has no lawyer. "Stop bullshitting me."

"I don't want my lawyer to know about this." He said in complete serious this time, finally! "He's close to my family, he might spill the beans."

"Alright! Then we'll find you one." I suggested right away.

"No, I'll find myself one."

"No. I'll find you one!" I barked back.

"I'll find it myself."

"And what? So that you'll have the right to look for at least a year?" I challenged. "No way! I'm going to find one for you."

"Fine! We'll find one together." He suggested.

"No!" I immediately disagreed.

"Alright, then let me look for one myself."

"Okay! Okay! We'll find one together." I finally gave up growling. "He's clearly doing this for purpose again." I added mumbling luckily, he wasn't able to catch it up.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I'm taking off." I lied. "Thanks for the hurchata by the way."

I walked my way to his door only but to be stopped when he suddenly grab my arms.

"Any goodbye kiss?" He said looking at me with those mocking smiles as he raises his eyebrows up and down.

"You're so ambitious." I said, slightly whisking his arms and continue to walk towards the door of his apartment to leave.

"It's your lose baby!" He called out.

"No it's not, baby!" I replied back giving an emphasis on the word baby as I looked back on him right after closing the door behind me. And for the first time since I met Auston, I left with a smirk on my face realizing that if this is his way to piss me off big time, I'm gonna piss him off too just for this whole messed up situation to be over.

As far as I have observed, he hates my sarcasm so I guess I'll have to channel that into every conversation with him just so he can understand how it feels like to be mocked on during a time where you have to deal on a serious situation.

We'll see about that Mr. Matthews!

I head back to my office, only to realize that I basically spent four hours at Auston's house for nothing. I even forgot to eat because the Hurchata made me feel full and I already went straight to the board room for the quick meeting.

When I arrived, the only people inside the room is my mom and Liam.

"What's up?" I immediately asked as I settle on one of the chairs.

"Why did you implemented all this changes on the operations without my consent?" My mom immediately said without any hesitation as she raises a greyish folder using her hands. I can see the frustration painted on her face looking at me.

"Because that is the reason why I am here, right?" I replied in a calm tone. "To help the company, I saw a flaw on the way this company operates so I took minimal changes."

"You still need our approval before doing that Georgina."

"And why is that? I thought we're already clear about the role I have in here-"

"Yes, we know that. But you are still working under me and that you need to respect our decisions too." My mom snapped.

"Respect?" I said smirking like an idiot because I am starting to lose my goddamn respect. "Why? Did you respect my own decisions and choices about not working here?"

Liam sighed. "Georgina this is not about tha-"

"No! You both know that I don't want to work here." I finally snapped. "You know that I don't want to be around you mom but you forced Dad to let me work here. Did you respect me upon doing that? Huh?"

When I didn't received any answers from her, I stormed out of the board room and out of the firm. I called for a cab and hop right in, I want to cry but tears just doesn't came out of my eyes. I was just staring outside of the car windows completely blank.


"I'm sorry, what?" I said when I realized that the driver was calling me. I was out of my head for a two minutes after I hop on the cab.

"Where to?" He asks. I don't know what I was thinking the whole time but I just blurted out Auston's address.

It was stupid, but at the same time I need someone to talk to. I don't have any friends around the city.

Liam is obviously at my mom's side right now regarding the issue so I can't talk to him. My cousins that are in here around are all obviously on the side of my mom. Austin is the only person I know around town, so I guess I'll just settle on his company although he annoys the crap out of me.

But I don't care, I need some distractions right now!

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