Minisode Six: A Date of Flames and Stone

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Warning: N/A

Finally, a Spiceynoodles date (This one's for you Kieran)
This was a struggle since I've never been on a date :P

"Mother!!" Came Red Son's horrified shout from the hallway, with both Iron Fan and DBK looking up, right as their son slammed the living room door open and stormed over to the pair, angrily shoving his phone in his mother's face. "What. Is THIS?!"

Taking the phone from her son's face, she saw that it displayed his text messages to MK, more specifically the ones she sent to the boy, asking him out on a date, "Ah, so this is what you're so upset about."

"Don't act so casual! You went onto my private messages and asked Noodle Boy on a date! As if you were me!!" Screeched the fire user, his hair bursting into flames from both anger and embarrassment.

"You like him, don't you?" The princess bluntly stated, raising a brow at her son, and handing him back his phone. "I was simply pushing things along, you're welcome."

"We--yes, but--"

"Please don't make your father and I wait any longer for grandchildren."


"Now hurry up, I set your date up for 12:30 this afternoon," The wind demoness got up and pushed her son out the door. "Don't want to keep your date waiting~"

An embarrassed and angry screech was all they got for an answer, as Red Son stormed down the hallways and towards his room.

DBK simply sighed in exhaustion and went back to watching TV, shaking his head at the pair's dramatics.

He was smart enough to stay out of such conversations.

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As for MK........well.....

"Ahhhh! Mei! What do I wear?! What do I wear?!" The male simian cried out as he paced around his room, pulling at his hair, which he'd been growing out recently to try and match both of his parents. "Red didn't say if it was formal or casual a-and I--!"

"Woah! Chill dude!" Grabbing her brother by the shoulder's, the dragon girl tried calming him down, as Ming, Kieran, Rumble and Savage watched on. The youngest was with Mei when MK had gotten the text, dragging them both into his room for help, effectively gaining the fox's interest, who had dragged both his siblings into the chaos as well. "I'm sure it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be."

"Hmm, well, there is the possibility that MK offends Red Son or his parents so badly that Wukong and DBK get into another fight, permanently affecting their relationship and severing the fragile peace we currently have," Savage hummed out absentmindedly, too focused on her book that Macaque had bought alongside several others, only to look up and blink at the searing glare she was receiving from Mei, and the dumbfounded looks from her two siblings. "Though that's only a 1% chance, seeing as the boy's hung around you two so long it's highly unlikely."

Groaning, MK slammed face first into his bed, as Rumble patted his back sympathetically, "There, there, I'm sure your date will go swimmingly."

"Fanks Rummle," The teen's muffled voice spoke, before he turned his head to the side to face the older monkey. "But I think Savage is right, this is going to be a disaster."

"Ignore miss negativity over there!" Mei huffed, picking MK up and placing him in front of herself. "Red really likes you, and I mean likes you! I've seen it myself! You don't need to worry about a thing!~ And besides, wouldn't it be kinda' mean to stand him up like that?"

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