Her part-time jobs

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Hii Guys!!!


                  The local boys turn and see who it was. Avni sees him and he was Neil. She gets relief after seeing him.

Boy1: It's none of your business. Move away from here. She is our sister.

Neil: Oh. Tell her to say this then I will go.

Boy2: She is a shy girl who won't speak with other boys.

Neil: I see.

                 He walks and stood before them. Avni sees him. He sees her and the local boys.

Neil: See the white crow is flying there.

                Everyone sees the upside. Neil used the chance and held Avni's hand. Avni sees her hand and him. He starts to run and Avni runs with him. The local boys who see them escape from them followed them. In one place, both hides behind the wall and the objects placed there helped them to show that they weren't there. They both were standing like Neil blocked Avni between him and the wall. The local boys who followed them come there and see no one was there.

Boy2: I think they went on another side. Let's go that side.

              The boys went from there.

Neil: Thank God, they went.

                 By saying this he sees Avni and Avni sees him. Both see each other and are locked at the moment. Avni blinked her eyes and sees him. He sees her and feels like he has seen her before. They come out of their moment when Neil's phone rings. He attends the call and ends it. They comes out of that place and reached the main road.

Neil: Tell me your address, and I will drop you at your house.

Avni: No thanks. I will go by bus.

Neil: Even after this. It's very dangerous to roam alone in this place and it was already dark.

Avni: Thats okay. I will go by bus.

Neil: Fine. I will come with you till the bus stop. You can't stop me from doing this.

                Both walk and reach the bus stop. When they were waiting, Avni starts to speak and Neil answered her before she could finish.

Avni: Dont tell...

Neil: I won't tell this incident to anyone. I can assure you.

Avni: Thank you for...

Neil: If your thank you is for hiding and for helping you then I won't accept it since I don't like to hear thank you from the person who I helped. Because I help people that will give me happiness. Okay?

Avni: Fine. But I would like to say thank you to the person who helps me and who will give satisfaction to me. So, thank you for helping me and for hiding this. 

Neil: Just in concern, I am asking you. Is it necessary for you to work late at night? I mean, every time there will be no one to help you.

Avni: I just work there for 2 hours between 4 to 6. It's because of you guys I have worked there for more than an hour.

Neil: Because of us?

Avni: Yes. I saw you guys standing there outside. I thought you will make fun of me when I comes out so I asked the owner to work for an extra hour and work. That's why I was late today.

Neil: Oh God. How did you think that we will make fun of you in this thing?

Avni: Because you always fight and annoy me in college and I thought you will do the same.

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