Bonus Chapter - Forever After all

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Ella's POV

Today, I wake up a bit earlier than i have these past two weeks since leaving the hospital, and leave Marco still sleeping in bed. I take a quick shower and go down stairs to make breakfast, something I haven't done in a very long time.

Afterwards, i think about were to serve it, here or take it upstairs for him to have it in bed, and after some thought, i decide to just decide to go up and see if he is awake now, and then just ask him for his preference.

I open the bedroom door and find him still sleeping soundly in bed.

I smile at the sight, and slowly get up on the bed, and then crawl closer to him.

I run my fingers lightly over his naked back and shoulders, loving his natural scent before he showers and puts on his usual cologne.

I touch the back of his head, and gently pull at his hair, until he shifts slightly, turning on his side to face me.

"Good morning husband" I whisper, still getting goosebumps every time i say the word.

"Good morning wife." he says more easily, his hand going on my waist.

"You're up late today, long night?" i ask, and he smiles, a sleepy smile, while his fingers rub his face and runs through his hair.

He groans and then puts his hand at the back of his head to rest on it, as he looks at me.

He looks happy, content.

"Sleep well?" i ask.

"Hmmmm, i had the best sleep in days...I even had a dream, a really nice one that you just interrupted." he drawls lazily, his thumb going back and forth on my waist.

"Really? what was it about?"

"You." he murmurs, his hand going down to rub my thigh.

"Really? well, you can tell me all about it while we eat, i made breakfast." i say.

"Did you now? because i'm really really hungry after that dream." he says.

He starts to sit up on the bed, and i start to move back to give him room to get off, but the next thing i know, is that his arm goes around my waist, and then i land back on the bed on my back.

"What are you doing?" i ask, but i can't help but laugh.

"You offered breakfast, and i starving." he says, making sure to press his pelvis into mine.

He is hungry alright.

"That's not what i meant." i chuckle against his neck.

Since that night we had a judge marry us, he and i had not yet consummated our marriage until last night, a full two weeks later.

The bruising and pain i had on my side after the 'incident' didn't seem like much at first, but it got worse, before it started to get better.

After i was discharged from the hospital, the pain got abit worse, and the redness on my skin didn't go away either until much later, while the  pain took even longer to completely go away. Also ribs on that side hurt too, every time I pressed into them or slept on that side of my body.

Anyway, the pain eventually lessened and went away, but Marco was reluctant to touch me intimately for some days after that, until last night.

And today being Saturday, i know it will be just the two of us all weekend, especially that he is going back to work on Monday, and myself the following Monday.

Waking up next to him everyday over the past few weeks is just a reminder of how lucky i am...and i cannot get over the fact that i get to spend the rest of my life with him as my life partner....sharing in whatever life throws at us.

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