Chapter 68 - For You

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A/N: Long chapter..

"What are you doing?" i mumble, pulling a pillow over my head to cover my face from her view.

"Sorry, was that weird?" Ella utters, sitting up straight.

"No, just.....creepy." i say, removing the pillow and looking up at her.

"Sorry, i wasn't staring or anything, you moved, and i realised that you were waking up, and i..."

"Babe, it's ok....i was just kidding." i say, pulling her hand towards me, so that she can lie back down with me.

"You can stare at me all you like." i murmur.

"I was, a little bit." she chuckles, and i smile and hold her tight.

"I know.....You smell good, have you showered already?" i ask.


"How are you up so early nowadays, you were never like this?" i grumble, annoyed i missed the opportunity to shower with her.

"Because..." she says, getting up and walking to the dressing table i had newly installed in the room.

"Unlike some people, i'm a morning person." she says merrily, picking up a couple of items there, and walking to the bathroom, leaving the door wide open.

I see her stand in front of the mirror, and start to do her hair and make up.

I get up too and join her in the bathroom, and then start to relieve myself.

I see her smirk at my actions, as she goes about her business.

Done, i wash my hand next to her and brush my teeth, all the while, watching her pull and tag at her hair through the mirror, to get it into a ponytail, then i kiss her exposed shoulder, and walk into the shower stall.

After a few minutes, she is still standing infront of the vanity.

"Babe, can you pass me your shampoo." i say.

She extends her hand towards me a few seconds later, handing me the bottle, but instead of taking it, i grab her wrist and pull her inside and immediately getting her wet.

"Oh My God, Marco!" she grumbles, trying to break free.

"Marco...C'mon" she mutters, giving up as her hair starts to completely drip with water.

"It's just water...." i say, holding her back to my chest, but she doesn't respond.

"Are you upset?" i ask softly.

"Yes." she replies immediately, and i turn her around.

"If you were, you wouldn't have answered." i say truthfully, and she frowns, pushing her hair back.

"You are so annoying." she says, her fingers wrapping around my wrist.

"Uhhm, tell me something that's new."

"I can't believe i fell for that..i should have seen it coming."

"You should have."

"I will get you back for in the worst way possible." she murmurs seriously, and i smile, knowing that she really means it, and i'm in trouble.

"I already said sorry."

"No you are not...but even if you are, i'm still coming for you." she grumbles, and squirts an unacceptable amount of shampoo over my head, until i have to fight her for it in order to make her stop, eventually getting us both covered all over, in the soapy sloppy liquid, until we both almost slip and fall, the action sending us both into a fit of laughter, as we get our composure and balance back.

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