Chapter 8 - Look What You Doing To Me

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Before entering the front door, i take one last look behind, as the car disappears out of view.

I don't know why, but i have a smile on my face, when i walk into the house.

Entering my bedroom, i sit down and think about what to do next.

Should i really go work at B.C.I? and if i decide to, how do i just show up there, when i already told them i wouldn't be coming?

I sigh, laying back on the bed, i try to go over the events of the day, but all my mind keeps playing back, is accidentally running my back into Marco's chest at the airport, and though it was brief, it felt really nice.

'See you at work' he had said earlier.

Will i see him tomorrow again, like i did on Monday?

Do i want to see him again tomorrow?


Oh shit!

I like him.

Just then, there is a knock on the door, before Sofia walks in.

"Hey, are you going down to dinner" She asks.

" Yep" I say, going out of the room with her.

Half way down the stairs, my phone beeps with a new message.

I realise it's an email from Santana, saying that she was informed that due to a few change in plans, i will be joining the company after all, however, she won't be at the office tomorrow, but someone will be on hand, to assist me in settling in.

I guess that settles it then. I have a job.

Dinner is pleasant, with just Riley and Sofia, since Mom and Sebastian arrive tomorrow morning from their trip, and Andy is out with friends tonight.

Sofia is ecstatic when i inform her that i have been given the internship after all, and we end up toasting to it at the dinner table, with Riley joining in the toast by raising his juice cup to our wine glasses.

After dinner, i put Riley to bed, and go to my own bedroom, calling it a night...

After plenty of tossing and turning, eventually, after my minds tires going over every memorable part of my day, and i finally give in to sleep.


"Are you sure it is alright for me to stay here, i don't want to be an inconvenience?" Daniel asks again, as we walk into the house.

"Absolutely...Right now, it's just me around here, and i do get tired of listening to my own thoughts, abit of company will be highly appreciated, so believe me, you will be doing me a favor." i say.

He still looks abit hesitant, so i add.

"Tell you what, stay for dinner, if you want to leave afterwards, i will be more than happy to drive you to your hotel." i suggest.

"Sounds good" He says.

"What sounds good?" Aaron asks, walking into the foyer with Roman.

"And the prodigal sons return" i murmur, as they come to stand besides me.

"This is Daniel Lamari, he just arrived here in Hartford, i was trying to convince him to stay here, instead of a hotel." I say, starting to make the introductions.

"Ahh, you want to bore him to death too, you see sir, there is a reason he is alone" Roman snickers, shaking his hand and gesturing to me.

"What he needs...." Aaron adds.

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