Chapter 1 - Met Him Last Night

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I close my book, and look up, just in time to see him walking between the shelves on the ground floor of the university library, until he stops by a shelf not far from me.

Is it 4:30pm already?

He does this every Wednesday, same time.

He walks into the catalogue section, carrying a couple of books with him, today he has two, and I watch him put them back on the shelf, then he stands back and with his fore finger, runs over the book cover on his level, before pulling one out, opening to quickly browse through it, then puts it back, before picking another one to do the same.

"You should just go talk to him" Carmen whispers, startling me.

"What?" i mumble, opening up one of my other books on my table, to pretend to be busy.

This section of the library is rarely ever occupied, not many people come this way, or sit in this section, which is why I come here in the first place. Right now, there are hardly many people around to be bothered by our soft bickering.

"You do this all the time, ogling him, just go say hi or something" she reiterates, gesturing to him with the end of her pencil.

"I do not" i deny.

Honestly, i never thought she noticed, I thought i was always very inconspicuous.

Besides, It's not like i even want to get to know him or something. He is just one of the consistent things about this library, and i took notice.

I also haven't failed to take notice how other girls look at him all the time. I can't blame them though, he is good to look at, and he attracts attention, although he doesn't seem like someone who wants to be noticed, which is what I like about him.

He is usually dressed in dark colors, and barely ever talks to anyone, the few times i have seen him outside of this building, he was always alone with head phones.

I don't even know his name and i like the air of mystery about him...which is why I like to keep it this way.

"I told you i........." I start to say to Carmen.

"Don't want to get involved with any student here...i know...but he is not a student here...He lectures a class in architecture" she murmurs.

"Oh, So he is a lecturer here" I say.

"Yep" she confirms.

I think that's even worse that he is not a student...makes sense though, he doesn't quite seem to blend in with everyone or the wonder he stands out.

"So isn't that like against the rules or something" i say as an after thought.

"So what? It's not like you are technically a student here" she says and i scoff.

Just then, he grabs a couple of books and starts walking out to the front desk.

I turn back to see Carmen watching me watch him leave, and she shakes her head at me.

"You are going to die single" she snorts.

I smile, and look down at my book again.

"Hey, are you still going to sofia's party?" she asks rhetorically.

"Ohh, shoot! c'mon...we can't be late" i say, standing up.


By the time i get home and finish dressing up, Sofia and everyone else, has left the house for her party. I will just have to catch up with them there.

Coming down the stairs, i am surprised to bump into Sebastian.

"Hey, i thought you guys have left already" i say hesitantly, looking passed him to see if anyone else is with him.

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