Chapter 3 - You Again

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I watch the car drive hastily out of the long driveway, and feel my anger build.

How dare he say it like that, as if we spent the night intimately, is this the thanks i get for helping him?

I turn away from the disappearing car to find both Sebastian and Andy staring at me.

"Well?" he mumbles.

"Well what?" i ask softly, biting the inside of my lower lips.

"What kind of behavior is this Antonella, You are sleeping around now?" he says heatedly.

I look at him, then at Andy's sympathetic face, then i try to side step them to go inside.

It's better not to say anything, to avoid an even bigger confrontation with him today.

"You do not walk away when i am speaking to you" he snaps, grabbing my wrist, and pulling me to stand infront of him.

"You should be ashamed of yourself" he mutters

"Let me go Sebastian" i utter, trying to free my wrist, which he has in a death grip, causing my bracelet to dig into my skin uncomfortably.

"I will not accept this kind of behavior from you in my house, do you understand? You will not act like a cheap tramp in my house, is this how Daniel raised you?" he fumes.

He deliberately mentions my dad's name, knowing how mad it will make me.

"Let me go" i mutter, but it doesn't come out as bravely as i intended.

Instead, he starts to walk inside the house, with my hand still in his.

"Dad, c'mon, we will be late" Andy says, but he ignores him and keeps walking.

We only stop when we stand infront of my mother in the kitchen. One look at him sends the servants darting out of the room.

"What is going on now?" Mom asks in exasperation, standing up.

"Why don't you ask your daughter, Ask her where she spent the night... Because she just came in" he mutters angrily, still not letting my wrist go.

"Go on. Ask her" he prompts, when Mom does nothing but look at me sympathetically.

"Ask her" he repeats.

Mom sighs.

"Where did you spend the night" she asks softly.

I look at her first in anger, then disappointment, why does she always let him step all over her?

"Answer you mother!" he growls.

"Go to hell" i whisper the words.

"Ella! Don't talk to your father like that"

"He is not my father" i scoff.

"Damn right, i would have raised you better than this"

"Dad! we are late" Andy groans.

"....You want to spend your nights out with men you only just met, and come waltzing in here in the morning as if you own the place? If you think you are too grown for my rules, you can get the hell out of my house....Talk some sense into her" he says, looking at my mom when he says the last part, and finally lets my hand go.

Silence usurps his departure.

"What is he talking about, where did you spend the night and with who ?" she asks.

I can't even look at her, she always takes his side and never defends or supports me when it comes to him.


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