Chapter 13 - Glad You Came

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I text Carmen to let her know where i will be, and also text Dad to remind him that i ill pick him up in the morning for our hang out.

Afterwards, i drive off and follow behind the others.

We end up at an irish pub somewhere in town, where there is a band playing on one side, and a large tv screen on the other side, with a football game showing.

It's noisy and loud, but exciting at the same time.

Soon the drinks start coming too, and since everyone is generally in a good mood, it doesn't take long for me to start having a good time.

"So, tell me a little bit about yourself" i ask Leo, just after he put some more drinks on the table, and then sits down next to me. 

Everyone is talking to someone, and i try to listen attentively to his story above the music, and answer some of his questions about me.

It's a fun night, we are all having, along with a few other people from the office that i have only ever said hai to before, so it's a good chance to get to know each other abit more.

After some time, Carmen and Devin arrive too, along with some of their friends.

"More drinks?" Some one asks.

"Yeah, but not here, can we go somewhere else, it's getting too crowded in here" Carmen suggests.

And everyone agrees.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the place i remember we had Sofia's party at.

Compared to where we are coming from, despite being more packed with of people, this place is still more spacious, classy and sophisticated by a long shot.

"I bet beer here costs twice as much as the beer the pub, even though it's the same" Leo murmurs, as we walk inside, causing me to chuckle.

He is a man on a budget and i know that all too well.

"Maybe so, but it's worth it. You get to rub shoulders with all kinds of fancy people that come here, plus the service is great and you are surely going to have a good time, i promise you that..." Emily, a beautiful dirty blonde from our department utters.

The club, has three floors designed in such a way that you can see most of the area of all the three floors, from any point in the building.

We find a table on the middle floor, and make ourselves comfortable, and  immediately, someone comes to take our orders.

Hearing the price of drinks here, we find that Leo is not the only one with reservations, and some of the others, make simple orders to start.

We will end up making a cost saving here after all, than if we had stayed at the pub, where everyone would have spent more money on more drinks, under the illusion that it was cheaper.

"I need to use the bathroom" i say to Carmen after a while.

"Do you want me to come with?" She asks.

"No, i'm good" i say, as i stand up and start walking in the direction of the restrooms.


I look at my watch as we walk to our table.

"I will only stay for one drink, i really need to go" I say.

If I show up late again for dinner at Nick's house, I will never hear the end of it.

"We are going to be here for quite a while, so you can swing right back afterwards if you want" Chase offers.

"Yeah, will see" I respond, looking up from my phone.

Just as we step onto the middle floor, i see the last person i expected to see here, or anywhere else for that matter tonight, walking quickly towards us, and almost going passed us.

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