Chapter 28 - My Flower

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I watch Marco go, his reluctance to leave, the evidence of his affection for me and thus filling me with warmth.

After the door closes with his departure, i look around.

There are two floors to this apartment, with a wooden staircase, leading to the top floor where there is self contained Bedroom that takes up most of the top floor area, another bedroom that has been turned into an office and an empty room.

Downstairs, there is a kitchen and small dining room that opens into a large living room area. Then there is also another bathroom, and an office. I find that i like the kitchen the most, every other room feels abit unfinished, like something is missing, but the kitchen feels complete and very homey.

I'm not a very good cook because i spent most of my time on books and at school, but i have always wanted to get better at it. This kitchen makes me want to start cooking right now.

After my brief tour, i decide that this here is my favorite room in the apartment, and i find myself sitting down with my elbows on the counter top supporting my head, and imagining i live here.

Marco was right, the fridge is nearly empty except for water bottles.

It's just passed 6pm now, and i saw a couple of shops close to this apartment on our way here, so i decide to go pick up some groceries, and make something to eat in this kitchen while i have the chance, instead of ordering in.

So, after changing into more comfortable shoes, i head out.

Even though i'm alone, I find walking around a grocery store picking out food items that i think Marco will like quite interesting, funny even.

We ought to go on more dates so i can get to know him better, because right now, i can't decide on what he would prefer.

My initial plan was to buy a couple of items to cook tonight, but i end up walking out of the shop with a trolley almost full of stuff, i will probably never use after tonight.

Back at the apartment, as i fill up the fridge and some cabinets with what i just bought, i end up really enjoying myself, and it makes me feel really excited about when i will finally move into my own place.

That has always been my next move for when i return to Boston.

That plan is just a few weeks away now, and previously, i was really looking forward to it..but now, the thought of leaving Hartford saddens me.

However, It could be the perfect solution for my issue with Sebastian, staying as far away from him as i can, even though i would miss everyone here, especially my Riley.

On the other hand, if i remain here in Hartford and just find my own place...i would still stay close to everyone i care about while still keeping my distance from those that i don't.

It's just an idea, but i don't know how Dad would react to the possibility of me extending my stay here indefinitely, it was never a consideration before.

After a light meal, i go upstairs and spend the rest of my time in the bedroom, which is just as dark themed as most of this house, and somehow i feel like it suits Marco perfectly, with his usually brooding appearance, that scares off people.

After my usual routine, and changing into sleeping clothes, i lie on the bed write in my diary, then pick up a book i have been reading bit recently abondoned to pass the time and help me get tired enough to sleep

After rereading a couple of pages and not understanding anything, i give up and just stare at the ceiling.

I told Carmen what happened last night, and she thinks i should tell Marco. Honestly, i feel really embarrassed about what happened and don't even know how to say it to him, or if i should say it.

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