Chapter 18 - Love, Stay

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Ok....done" she murmurs.

I open my eyes slowly, and watch as she leans over on the other side of the bed towards the side table, to put her clothes there, but as she stretches her hand, the arm of the shirt, which is far too large for her extends lower than it should, exposing the sides of her boobs, covered by a black lacey bra, and it causes my body to stir.

She turns back on the bed and folds her legs under her, sitting completely on her heels, her hands placed between her thighs.

"Good morning" she says, as if only now remembering that we didn't share that particular salutation since she arrived.

"Good morning" i reply, not trusting that i will be able to restrain myself if i move an inch off this headboard.

"Don't get too excited, i started my period yesterday" she murmurs, reading my mind, and i burst out laughing.

"Is that so?" i ask rhetorically, when i regain my composure.

"Yeah" she smiles, moving closer to me.

Placing her palm on my cheek, she kisses me, in a way that i have come to associate with her. Her lips are soft, her tongue, warm and moist, hesitate at first, but sensual when she relaxes. She is intoxicating, and i find every physical contact, every intimacy we share hypnotizing.

I groan, not satisfied with the slow pace of the kiss.

I grab the back of her head, and her lower back, and swiftly ease her back on the bed, i cradle her head in the inner side of my arm, and slide my leg between her thighs, as i kiss her more fervently, here in this room where i know we have all the privacy we need, and won't be interrupted.

I move on top of her, with one leg between her legs, as her hands caresses my bare back and shoulders, her touch making me desperate for more of her.

I kiss and bite her neck softly, as i grab the back of her knee, and pull her thigh further up against her stomach, and she gasps and winces.

I lift my head up her instantly.

"What's wrong? did i hurt you?" i ask lowly.

"Period cramps, especially when you moved my leg against my stomach like that" she says faintly.


I back up off of her completely, and lay back against the bed, then pull some pillows and position them behind my head.

"Does it hurt that much?" i ask, letting her lie slightly over my side, as i pull the covers over us, then i start to move her hair out of the way, after we both get comfortable.

She has such beautiful, soft bulky hair, that feels like silk to the touch.

"Not all the time..." she responds, her hand resting across my torso, her face on my chest, sending light breezes on my skin every time she breathes or talks.

"So, tell me something about yourself?" I say after a while.

"You know, most people get to know each other abit first, before they end up in bed together" she utters.

"Remember we are not most people....especially you. You took me to your bed the first chance you got..i didn't even know your name at the time....and worse still, i was pretty drunk and you took advantage of me...what does that really say about you?" i tease her.

She raises her head up in shock.

"So this is how the story twists?" she asks, her mouth slightly open.

"That's the story i will swear by, if someone asks me how we met" i tell her.

" it's each one for themselves your back" she says, threatening me.

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