Chapter 57 - Boomerang 🪃

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I turn to my left side and watch the minutes fly by, until it's only seconds before my alarm goes off.

I have done this every time sleep evades me during the past few days, which is almost everyday.

Suddenly, the quiet room fills up with noise, as the alarm goes off, and i press the snooze button once again, and then turn my body so that i look up at the ceiling, supporting my head with my arm.

After Ella left the apartment, i spent one night there, it was the night that i hoped she would return, but she didn't, so i came back to El Paraiso the following day, because I couldn't bare to be in her space without her.

Now, another night has gone by, and yet, nothing has changed...everything in my heart still feels as fresh as it did five days ago when she broke off our relationship....maybe even worse now, because i thought that if it hurt her as much as it did me, she would come back, but she hasn't, and so everyday that passes, just adds to my frustration.

I turn my head and look at the clock,

It's 5:46am.

Four more minutes before the alarm goes off again.

I stretch my hand across the bed and grip the duvet into my hand.

So many memories flood my mind when i think about this room, this bed....I took Ella's virginity in this bed, right here. I remember exactly what she looked like, i remember the smell of her skin, how soft her skin felt, the way her eyes looked at me, and the sounds she made......I was recovering from the accident i had the previous day while nursing a dislocated shoulder, but damn, the only thing i felt that night was how wonderful it was to be with her like that.

I also eased her period cramp right here too, a couple of weeks before that, i think, and I smile at the memory...I didn't know what the fuck i was doing, even though i told her that i did. That was the first time i ever did anything like that and i lied when i told her that i knew what i was doing....but it worked, and i guess that's all that mattered.


I sit up abruptly on the bed.

I have been so distracted that i forgot about what Hope told me about Ella get sick at their house. I need to ask her about her delayed period and find out if it's connected to why she has been feeling low recently.

The alarm goes off again.


I finally get up and switch off the alarm.

Like everyday this week, i'm going to work out until 6:30am, then start start preparing for another busy day at work.

But at least tomorrow is Saturday, and i don't have any major plans, so i can sleep in as much as i want.

I gear up and go on my way to the gym, and find that Aaron is already there.

We exchange quick greetings, and then I make my way to the punch bag, which is literally the only exercise i have been doing this week. I don't know why, but i just want to hit things until my knuckles hurt, then do it again when they recover.

After some time, i feel Aaron watching me, but like all the other times we have been in here together and he has kept his distance, i expect that he will do the same even today.

So i just mind my own business and let my mind wonder to the office.

There is alot of gossip going on there right now, since it was revealed that Graham, one of the respected engineers and senior department head of the safety division, and also, the man i have been butting heads with for some time now at the company is actually the person working with Sebastian, aswell as some other competitors of the company.

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