Chapter 15 - Easy Does It

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I slowly open my eyes, and let them adjust to the low light in the room.

The curtains are drawn, but the light from outside gives the room enough illumination to let me know it's morning now.

I turn and lie on my side, facing the empty side of the bed. I let my fingers lightly touch the cold surface, the space Marco occupied only a few hours ago when we went to bed together.

I close my eyes and remember that very first night here with him. He was feeling so bad that he was desperate to lie down anywhere, and when we finally got here, he passed out almost immediately.

I had watched him sleep for a while, watched his chest rise and fall just to make sure he was still alive, then i guess at some point, i also fell asleep, but on the floor...but i when i woke up, i was lying next to him right here on this bed.

Last night was different, last night he held when i went to sleep, and he had continued to hold me long after we talked, his fingers had drawn circles around my belly button over my sweatshirt, a constant reminder that he was there with me, until i finally fell asleep.

Right now when i concentrate hard enough, i can still feel his hands at the back of my thighs where he had held them when he lifted me, i can still feel the heat of his body as it pressed against mine when we laid in bed, i can see see the way his eyes softened right before he kissed me.

My eyes open, and i stare up at the ceiling.

He kissed me.

I press my finger to my lips to relive the memory.

I turn to the side again, and grab a pillow, pressing my face into the soft cotton material.

Suddenly, i hear fumbling, as the door is being opened, followed by the sound of footsteps as sharp heeled shoes probably stilettos, make contact with the floor.

That must be Carmen for sure.

She slowly pushes the bedroom door open, and peeks her head in just a bit.

When she sees me on the bed alone, she comes into the room completely.

"Hi..Good morning" she whispers.

I can't help but chuckle at her ridiculousness.

"Why are you whispering" i ask through my soft laughter.

"Is he in there" she whispers again, pointing to the bathroom with her finger, and tip toeing closer to the bed.

I nod in confirmation, just to mess with her.

Her mouth opens in a silent gasp.

"OMG!......did you?" She mouths, and then makes the symbol for having sex with her fingers.

"Oh My God!!" I mutter, and pull the covers over my face.

"You are so inappropriate" i mumble from under the covers.


Thirty minutes later, i'm ready to go home, and agree to meet Carmen somewhere after i pick Dad up later.

I get into my car and start the ignition, before slowly joining the main road, as i think about my life in general, and how fast everything is changing.

Earlier this year, i found out that my boyfriend of more than two years Dean, was secretly dating a close friend of mine the time i was away at school. To make matters worse, i found out in the worst of ways possible, infront of a whole bunch of people, so it made the betrayal that much more hurtful and embarrassing. It turned that they were really serious about each other, because as soon as we broke up officially, they started dating each other openly, and now they are engaged.

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