Chapter 21 - Be My Baby

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"So where exactly are we going?" I ask Aaron, after we have both settled down, and the car has been moving for a while.

I expected him to explain himself as soon as we got in, but he is sitting back in his seat, driving with one hand, the other one resting on the open window with his elbow, as if this is a casual get together or something.

"To the hospital" he says nonchalantly.

"Hospital, why?" I ask, my curiosity getting hyped.

"Marco had an accident" he says casually.

My heart almost beats out of my chest.

"What do you mean an accident? Is he ok?" i ask worriedly, and for the first time since we started off on this drive, he turns to look at me.

"Racing accident at the race park, the car went into the barricade and flipped a couple of times." he says, looking between me and the road every few seconds.

"Are you being serious?" I ask, he looks way too chilled for the kind of information he is giving me so calmly.

"I wouldn't joke about something like that Ella, i'm serious, i was there too." He says.

"How is he?" I murmur, struggling to take him seriously.

"Not sure actually......he was taken to the hospital, and i came to get you right away...will meet them there" he says quietly.

"But why did you come to get me?" I ask, after a few minutes of silence.

"Marco has been driving at that race park for as long as i can remember, not once has he ever had an accident like that" he says and stops.

Is that supposed to explain something?

He gives me a brief look before he continues.

"He has been......distracted lately ...I'm sure we can both guess why?" He says accusingly.

Again, I find what he is saying hard to believe.......he looks way too calm.

But if at all it's true.....then i wonder how Marco is really doing?

I lean back in my seat as we spend the rest of the drive in silence.


After about twenty minutes, we approach the gates of a private hospital, and all the doubts i had about Aaron bluffing vanishes instantly, and i find myself shifting in my seat.

He was being serious.

Marco was in an accident!

Memories of his car going incredibly fast the last time we were there flashes through my head, only this time, my mind manufactures an image of the car turning over.

Oh My God.

"You were serious?" I ask nervously.

He doesn't answer, but just drives in, looking for a parking spot.

I unconsciously put my hand on my chest over my heart.

I follow him into the hospital, up a couple of floors, and through some corridors, until we approach one room where i see the door is open, and immediately recognize Marco's eldest brother, Nick on the phone outside the room.

Aaron stops at the door, observes what's going on inside for a few seconds, and then walks into the room.

I walk slowly behind him, but stop at the door too, almost afraid of what i will see inside.

There are a couple of hospital stuff in the room, including Roman, who is in full doctors gear, standing next to Marco's who's sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, with his legs touching the floor. He is also shirtless, and Roman along with another male doctor are looking at what looks like an x-ray report.

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