Chapter 49 - All's Fair In Love And War

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'Dear Diary,

These past three days have been......eccentric to say the least, actually, the past few months in fact, have all been like a crazy whirl wind that has swept me off my feet, and turned my life upside down, changed my focal point, and left me fighting to maintain my balance...and i must admit, i'm still struggling to keep that balance.

But that same whirlwind, has also blown me in the direction of a man....a man so beautiful, so perfect, so wonderful, he can only be a figment of my imagination....

....but oh is he real that my eyes have seen him, my fingers have touched him, mind smiles at the thought of all our past body tingles at the memory of our intimate time together, like the first time he claimed me at the Mansion, and made me a woman, his woman, or the last time we gave ourselves to each other at the resort and it felt like the first time again, only without the initial discomfort, and all the times we shared in between...
and yet, my body still yearns for many more of such intimate moments with him, there is still so much he is yet to show me, to teach me, about my body, about his body and the secret language of a man and a woman who desire each other, and the many things i too want to teach him......and my heart, oh my heart, it's full, full of love for much love for him  that it has consumed me, it's a miracle i have not exploded yet.

So yes...he is very real, and mine.....and so i hold on to his hand tightly, tighter still, as the wind threatens to blow him away from my grasp, and take away the very essence of my bei....

"Hey Ella, i'll see you tomorrow?" One of the guys still present in the office says to me.

"Oh..Yeah..see you tomorrow Rex" i say, looking up from my desk and waving at him briefly as he walks away.

I look around and see just one other person still around with me in the office, and then look down at my diary again.



I writ e and close the book.

I'm nearly at the end of the diary, with just a few pages left....and quite frankly, i'm pretty excited to start using the one Marco got for me, which reminds me, that i need to buy him a present, several actually, including a Christmas present...he has done so much for me, and given me many presents now....i feel bad because i haven't given him anything in return.

But i don't know what to get for him, he has everything, and it makes me feel like a bad girl friend who doesn't know him at all, because i can't figure out what to get him.

"Hey, i'm leaving too..bye" Anna, the last of my workmates that was still in the office with me says, as she faces me, but stands half turned towards the exit.

"Oh, ok...i think i will pack up too and call it a day..." i say, and she smiles and walks away.

I look at the time, and find that it's 6:12pm.

Honestly, i have been doing nothing productive for the past hour that i have been sitting here, except browse the internet for random things, and write in my diary.

Before i took the week off, i would normally stay at the office abit longer after knocking off to work on a few things, since i was usually swamped with work, but today, even though i did not have any work to do, i felt too lazy to just go home.

I guess the encounter i had with Harvey yesterday has really hit a sore spot for me.

Today being Wednesday, again he did not give me many tasks to do, and this time, Kyle didn't ask for help either, although he was very apologetic about it, and abit a confused about what's going, so are my friends here....but anyway, i spent the day literally doing nothing.

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