Chapter 37 - Red

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A/N. Hey guys, please note, any medical information described in this chapter is not expert medical information  from medical experts, and thus should be taken as ficticious data created by the author solely for the benefit of this story.......Do enjoy and buckle up, it's about to get bumpy 😎😜

The next couple of days are borderline bittersweet, on one hand, work is going great. 

Even though i'm still new to the company, my contributions and work is being acknowledged and appreciated in such a way, that i'm being given alot more responsibilities and tasks, and also being asked to speak more in meetings, so much that it's even surpassing some of my peers who have worked here longer, but nobody is mad about it, because, even they have too seen have seen how hard i'm working and what i'm contributing to the team.

Also, Riley is doing better each day, and i go to see him every day after work. He is abit disappointed and confused why i don't live there with him anymore, and complains each time i have to leave....that it's not as bad as i anticipated it would be with him, and i've actually found peace with the way things have turned out. 

Plus i heard Sebastian travelled out of the country to God knows were, so i have had the pleasure is not running into him every time i have been home.

Then on the other hand, there is the other part, where despite everything feeling like it's slowly falling into a manageable routine, i'm extremely missing Marco, and the time difference between us is making it harder to communicate.

The end of the day for me, is when his day is starting. When he is free at the end of the day or night, i would just be waking up and getting ready for work.

The first two days were tough, trying to figure out the best way to navigate our time difference situation, but yesterday and today are better. 

I wake up extra early so we can video call. He is in his hotel room, and in bed right now. After talking for some time, as i start to prepare for work, i take my laptop everywhere. When i go to  take a shower, i put it on the vanity top, then carry it with me to pick out some clothes, then later put it on the bed while i dress up.

'Put the phone on the dressing table, i want to see you put on your makeup.' he says.

'We don't have a dressing table.' i reply over my shoulder.

'There is no dressing table in that room? I thought i have seen one." he asks, and i chuckle.

'Nope, the room has mirrors, alot of them, but no dressing's definitely a man's bedroom..but i don't know what you wanted with all this mirrors though.' i say.

'You should order a dressing table today?' He says, and i walk away from the large wall mirror to the laptop on the bed, to look at him as i speak

He is lying on top of the bed with with his white shirt left unbuttoned all the way down.

'Why...I like the room just the way it is, with very little furniture in it. 'i say.

'You are getting a dressing table today' he says with finality, and i frown and walk back to the mirror.

After talking for a few more minutes, i go to work and he goes to sleep.


Saturday is better, i don't have to go for work, so we are able to talk for longer, and in a more relaxed manner.

During the course of the week, he had insisted that i join him and his family at the Ranch next weekend and i finally agreed, and so, I decided to visit Dad this weekend and tell him about the new developments.

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