Chapter Forty-One: Crimson Flower

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Warning: Violence, cursing, mentions of blood

Eyyyyyy, I'm back!~ Sorry for the long ass unofficial Hiatus, my brain was taking a sudden vacation and college is! Enjoy the new chapter!

Gēge=Big Brother

Whipping around, Sandy screams in either shock or fear at the sight of one of Spider Queen's lackies, Huntsman spider, with Ming ducking into his back with a whimper.

"Now big guy," Huntsman smirked, the clanking of his metal legs on the stone, echoing across the valley. "How about you hand over that pretty, pretty flower?~"

Turning his back to the demon and quickly, but gently, placing the Crimson Jimsonweed into his tea book, Sandy stood up with a frown, " This is for my friend--"

Eye twitching, the purple skinned arachnid tuned out the other's rambling with a growl, teeth grinding in agitation as he spoke to himself, "Is this guy for real?!"

Lunging forwards, Huntsman aimed one of his sharp metal legs in an attempt to skewer the cat owner, with Ming screaming in fear from her place in the back of his backpack, the poor she-monkey's phobia acting up.

Fortunately enough, Sandy was able to doge with a yelp of surprise, before he bolted for the path down the mountain, the book in his hands. Huntsman hot on his heels, the sound of his laughter echoing around the pair of adventurers, "I love it when they run!~"

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Back with Pigsy, Tang, Mei and MK..........well, the male teen had noticed the obvious lack of small monkey chirps, and had called out for his younger sister, only to receive silence as an answer.

So naturally they all panicked.


A rumble shook the valley, followed up by screaming from Ming and Sandy, as they both fell down from the top of the rock spire, Huntsman still following. As they approached the rocky floor, the water spirit was quick to shift his backpack from his back to his arms, using himself as a shield so that his little simian companion wouldn't get hurt from the impact, right before getting back up and continuing to run straight into the forest.

"Come on, don't you want to stick around and fight?" Huntsman's voice echoed around them. "Or are all those big muscles just for show?~"

Neither hero answered, Ming too afraid to even peek out of the backpack, and Sandy preoccupied with reading out the map in his book to help them get back, "Past the sleeping panda rock, across the winding serpent stream, turned left at the marker I--gasp!"

All the red ribbons the pair had tied the trees with earlier were gone...not a single one was left...

"Trying to find your way back, gentle giant?~" The spider demon's voice mockingly cooed. "Might be hard without these!"

The sound of a fist hitting bark echoed around them, before a rain of shredded red fabric fell like snow in winter around both the companions, Sandy's eyes widening in horror...they were now lost without the markers.

"Not go--AUGH!!"

The blue skinned tea drinker yelped in surprise, when he stepped back on a trap that Huntsman had set up in the forest earlier, Ming and the book falling from the pacifist's grasp with a yelp of pain from the monkey girl, as she hit her head on a sharp rock and passed out.

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