Chapter Thirty-Six: First Encounter

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

MK's first encounter with the mysterious enemy

Mèimei=Little sister
Gēge=Big Brother

Deep within the caverns of the Lady Bone Demon's old lair, a pair of immortal monkey demons were dodging traps, as they looked for information on the demon that used to take up residence in the cold environment.

"I told you this place would be full of traps," Macaque grumbled, dipping himself and his husband into the shadows to evade another trap, transporting them to the outside of the throne room. "But you insisted on busting your way through here."

"I'm sorry, alright?!" Wukong whined, tail drooping as he followed his irate partner, not liking the near silent treatment he was receiving. "I just...."

Sighing, the shadow king turned and caressed his mate's cheekng soft and lovingly, touching their foreheads together with a gentle coo, "I know Peaches, you're worried about the cubs, and so am I. But they've got the others with them, and MK has already unlocked his war form. He's almost fully mastered it too."


"It'll be okay Sunshine~," The tanned simian smiled, giving his golden half a quick peck on the forehead, before they continued down the hallway.

However, sparks of golden magic stopped the two, who tensed up ready for a fight, only to blink in surprise at the sight of their trio of cubs, MK, Mei and Ming. The male monkey cheering when he saw the surprised couple, with the dragon girl sighing in relief, and their youngest putting down--what appeared to be--a first aid kit.

"MK?" Monkey King and Macaque gawked in surprise, not expecting the teen to have mastered Astral Projection so quickly on his own.

"Hey Pa! Hey Dad!" The young prince's tail wagged gleefully. "Look! I mastered Astral Projection!"

"Yeah," Mei scowled in the background. "After about five nosebleeds."

"Five?!" The husbands screeched in horrified unison, their tails puffing up.

"Cub, that's incredibly unsafe!" The taller monkey sighed, dual colored eyes filling with worry.

"D-don't worry!" The golden-eyed teen was quick to try and calm his parents. "That's why I have Mei and Ming here! They're backup!"

"More like here to make sure you don't overdo it," The jade clade female rolled her eyes.

"Well, congrats on mastering it bud!~" Monkey King smiled, giving his son a thumbs up, yelping as he had to duck, not realizing that he'd set off another trap.

"You okay there Peach Pa?" Mei's brows furrowed in worry. "Are we distracting you and Shadow Mom?"

"Don't worry little ones," The shadow demon smiled gently, as he used his powers to stop a barrage of poisonous darts, whilst his golden buffon of a husband bashed through the locked door in front of them. "We're just finishing up in the Lady Bone Demon's old hideout, we've gotten past most of the more deadly traps."

"How is the search going so far?" MK fiddled with his tail a bit, something the teen tended to do when he got anxious.

"More dead ends," The sun king sighed, shoulders drooping. "But hopefully, this witch's old lair will give us something to work with."

Faint whispers could be heard from the children's end, shivers running up their spines as a blue mist was seen seeping in, making the husbands tense up.

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