Chapter Eleven: Kidnapped Royals

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Warning: N/A

Ming in the Calabash, whatever shall she do?

Renminbi--The official name for Chinese currency 

Gēge=Big Brother
Mèimei=Younger Sister


A sudden weight on MK's stomach, followed the shout of a familiar monkey, made the boy shoot up in his bed. Said teen looked down, to see Ming sitting on the bed in front of him, golden eyes sparkling and tail wagging.

"Ming?" MK blinked, raising a brow in confusion, and tilting his head. "Why're you in my room?"

"Uhh..." The little monkey blinked, furrowing her brows, as she tried to think of why she was in MK's room. "I--"

A rumble cut the she-monkey off guard, shaking the entire room, and MK quickly grabbed the female as things fell off shelves and onto the floor, "Earthquake!!"

Ming whimpered in fear, burying her face into MK's chest, the two only letting go once the room stopped shaking. MK looked around with a groan, seeing the mess his room was in, knowing he'd have to clean it up later.

"Oh, no," The teen whined. "All my pwecious powsessions!"

Ming giggled at the tone MK's voice took on, "Don't worry MK, I'll help you clean it after work!~"

"Aw, thanks Mi--wait.....I'm late for work!!" The teen shouted in horror, getting up and grabbing a set of clean clothes, rushing into the bathroom to get ready. "Pigsy's gonna' kill me!!"

Once he'd gotten dressed, MK grabbed Ming and bolted down the stairs, the she-monkey taking on a human disguise once they'd gotten to the main level. The boy ran over to the bar, setting Ming down on a stool, who tilted her head in confusion at Tang's lack of a bowl of noodles.

"Pigsy! I'm so sorry I'm late!" MK apologized, frantically trying to explain his tardiness. "I overslept! And I guess I didn't set an alarm? Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed..."

"Don't forget the weird earthquake!" Ming piped in.

"That too!" MK nodded. "And, and, and....please don't fire me!"

"Fire you?" Pigsy said, before turning around, a bright smile on his face painted across his face. "Why would I fire you?"

Ming's jaw dropped, her eyes the size of plates, nearly falling out of her seat if MK hadn't caught her in his arms, the teen equally shocked.

"Uh, well, the last time, you said," MK sputtered out, shaking his head, and trying to brush off his confusion. "'If you are one minute late, ever again, you...are...FIRED!!'"

"I said that?" Pigsy asked in confusion

Ming nods in agreement, "Mmmhmmm, papa was dropping me off, and we both jumped when we heard you yelling."

Tang gave a chuckle, sliding up next to Pigsy, and wrapping an arm around the pig demon's shoulder, "That doesn't sound like my best friend, Pigsy!~"

"Best friend?!" Ming and MK gave the two looks of shock, looking between the scholar and the chef, the little monkey burying her face into MK's arms when they gave the kids bright smiles.

"MK," Ming whispered, clutching onto the boy in fear......something wasn't right here. "I'm scared."

The boy went to open his mouth, only for another 'earthquake,' to shake the shop. Both of the youths shrieked in fear, looking around as everything fell down around them, with MK making sure nothing fell and hit either of them.

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