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Warning: N/A

"The hero and the warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth. As time went on, the hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the warrior was forgotten by the hero."

That's how the story goes in the legends....but this story doesn't follow the legends, no. In fact, this story doesn't even take place, in the same world as that legend. In this world, the Sun and the Moon never met until the Sun became King, and the Moon was already a great warrior.

"The Moon was the Sun's right hand, his greatest general, and best friend. 

But over time, the Sun realized he viewed the Moon as much more than a friend.....more like someone he wished to cherish....a partner.

Gathering all of his courage, the Sun went to the Moon, and asked if he could court the Moon. To the Sun's surprise, the Moon said yes, and the two happily cherished the love they shared.

Years passed, and the Sun once more went to the Moon, this time asking to marry the Moon. 

The Moon accepted the Sun's request once more.

Thus, the Two Kings were born.

The Sun and the Moon's love was unmatched. And though they fought, it was never enough to break the bonds they shared.

Even when heaven trapped the Sun, where the Moon could not find him, the Moon still waited for his Sun. Forever loyal to the one he loved.

It was only when the Sun was freed, that the two were once again united, though they could not stay together long. For the Sun was tethered to a Monk, and had to fulfill his oath to be freed.

So once again, the Moon waited.

And when the day came that the Sun was freed, he returned to the Moon, and the two never parted again.

More years passed, and a third joined.......a single star.

And that is how it stayed for many years, the love shared between the three, forever strong and unbreakable."

"I love that story papa," A young girl's tired voice said.

"I know," Chuckled the storyteller's voice. "You have me tell it to you every night Little Star."

"Because it's such a good story!~" The little girl cheered.

The storyteller chuckled, "Well now the story is over, which means bed for you young one."

The little girl giggled as the storyteller leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead, before turning the light out and closing the door behind him.

"It is a good story Plums~" Cooed a second male voice.

"I know Peaches," The storyteller smiled, hugging the other. "I love you my lovely Sun~"

"So do I," The second voice spoke. "My handsome Moon~"

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