Chapter One: Shadow King

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Warning: N/A

MK meets Macaque :]
(As well as someone else~)

MK wakes up with a groan as he feels something poking his cheek, the teen opens his eyes to come face to face with a group of white mountain monkeys, all of them taking a second to look at the teen before jumping him.

"Ah! No! Wait! Don't!" MK begs as he's bombarded by monkeys.

"That's enough," Said a deep voice, making the small monkeys all stop harassing MK, and look up at the source of the voice. "Leave the boy alone."

The monkeys hop off of MK, running into the forest as the teen sits up, turning to the source of the voice to see a black furred monkey.

The monkey stood at 7ft 3in, a read marking across his suntanned skin, with his left eye a golden color and the right a deep purple, a scar running over it. The front two parts of the simian's black hair where in short braids, alongside some in the back, tied up by purple hair ties as a streak of white rested on the top. The simian's top was a shade of plum purple that was similar to a Hanfu top, except the bottom half was a pair of harem pants, that was a sunset gradient fading from purple to pink. The loose sleeves were the same sunset pattern as the pants, both having a white star gradient on them, a light purple belt wrapped around the simian's waist. A golden pin held up a whiteish-purple fur that wrapped around the simian's left side, his back, and rested on his right shoulder. The golden pin had a symbol that was a swirl crown like the Monkey King wore, but in the shape of a heart. Dark purple boots fit on the male's feet, and finally, was a crown with two magenta feathers sticking out of the top.

"Monkey King?!" MK gasped, in awe of the simian's appearance.

The male chuckled, reaching out a paw and helping the teen up, "Sorry to disappoint kiddo', but I'm not Monkey King."

MK slumped down in defeat, "Then...who are you?"

"Macaque," The monkey now known as Macaque hummed out, a gentle smile on his face. "Though I often get confused for Wukong."

"Ah!" MK was quick to try and sputter out an apology, realizing how rude he must've been, confusing the two. "So-"

"No need to apologize," Macaque laughed gently, ruffling MK's hair gently. "I'm used to it." The simian motioned for MK to follow, walking towards the mountain, and away from the beach. "Let's go."

"Go?" MK blinked in confusion. "Go where?"

"You're here to see Monkey King, right?" Macaque raised a brow teasingly.

MK's face light up, and he eagerly followed the black furred simian.


Halfway up the mountain, the two took a break, as Macaque had noticed how tired MK was getting.

"You're doing great kid," Macaque smiled, sitting next to MK. "Halfway there and only now breaking a sweat. That's pretty impressive!~"

"Really?" MK looked at Macaque, eyes sparkling with joy.

"Yup!~" The male simian ruffled MK's hair once more.

A rustle in the bushes made MK jump, "W-what's that?"

"That," Macaque laughed, walking over to the bush where they heard the noise, reaching in and taking out a small monkey child. "Is a very curious monkey child."

MK blinked in surprise, as the small monkey in Macaque's arms gave a smile to MK, waving at the teen.

The monkey was about 3ft even with dark brown, almost black hair, that went to the small of her back. She wore a two layer clothes set that was similar to training attire, the first set of clothes was dark turquoise green, the pants ending at her knees and giving way to white socks, light blue dress shoes on her feet. The top layer was similar to a Qipao, that was white with gold accents and a gold belt. She had a dark pink facial marking, that with similar but not quite to Macaque's, and light skin. Half of her hair was pulled back in an intricate bun, that took the shape of a bow, the other half was down. A pin exactly like Macaque's golden one held up the she-monkey's bow shaped hair, with two light blue feathers stemming out from the pin.

"Meet Ming," Macaque said, setting down the young monkey, who walked over to MK with sparkling eyes. "She's very excited to meet you."

MK bent down to Ming's height, holding out a hand for the female to shake, "Nice to meet you Ming, my name's MK."

Ming smiled, and jumped into a surprised MK's arms, giving him a hug.

"Nice to meet you MK!~" The soft voice of Ming answered. "Welcome to the mountain!~"

MK hugged back, tearing up at how precious the little she-monkey was, with Macaque smiling at the two's interaction in the background.

Eventually the two parted, and Ming dug into her pants pocket, before pulling out a plum and offering it to MK, "Hungry?"

MK happily took the plum, biting into it as Ming offered one to Macaque, "Thanks Ming!~"

The girl nodded, sitting in Macaque's lap as she ate her own plum, the trio enjoying their peace before they continued up the mountain.


MK groaned, flopping down onto the ground as he, Macaque and Ming finally reached the top of the mountain.

Ming gently poked MK's cheek, getting the teen's attention, before pointing over at a massive waterfall, "You made it MK!~"

MK gave Ming a tired smile, shakily getting up and following the simian pair over towards the waterfall, looking to Macaque for further instructions. The black furred monkey made the motion of holding his paw up to the waterfall, and MK copied his movement, gasping in awe when a golden symbol appeared before him. What was even more shocking, was when the waterfall split open, revealing a cavern inside.

Macaque and Ming walked in, with MK trailing behind, looking around a the beauty inside. He gasped when they reached a large mural, which showed Monkey King, and all of his friends from the journey.

"Whoa," MK said, walking closer and inspecting the mural. "Hey, that's the Monkey King!"

Suddenly, the room was bathed in a golden glow, making the teen panic.

"What's happening?!" MK panicked, frantically looking around, before turning to Macaque for answers. "What's wrong with my eyes?!"

"Calm down MK," Macaque said soothingly, placing his paws on the teen's shoulders. "Nothing is wrong, you're simply experiencing one of Wukong's abilities, The Golden Sight of Truth."

"I'm WHAT?!" MK shrieked, panicking even further, as Macaque and Ming simply sweatdropped in the background. "How did this happen?! How do I turn it off?!"

That last question made Macaque laugh, before he gently grabbed MK's arms, making the teen face him, "Ok MK, follow my lead, deep breath in.....deep breath out..."

MK did as instructed, finding that once he'd calmed down, the golden glow had faded, "It's gone..."

"A calm mind, is the best mind to have, when using magic," Macaque chuckled, motioning for MK to follow. "This way, Wukong is waiting."

The boy followed Macaque and Ming once more, the trio coming up to a grotto that was overgrown with flora, and a large rock with a house sitting atop it...a peach tree rested next to the house.

"It's beautiful..." MK looked around in amazement, stopping when a butterfly flew towards him, holding a hand out for it to land on. "Oh, hey there little guy."

In the background Macaque shook his head, knowing what was gonna' come next, as Ming giggled from where she sat in his arms.

"'Sup?" The butterfly greeted back.

To be Continued.....................

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