Begining of something new

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I look over to see haymitch cutting up some fruit and preparing in to go into a bowl to help me with my cravings

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I look over to see haymitch cutting up some fruit and preparing in to go into a bowl to help me with my cravings. I look back down to my low set stomach and think that in a weeks time we are going to be parents for the first time in our lives. We never expected to me after the games or ever really. But I'm glad it's happening.

As haymitch was placing all the chopped fruit into the bowl, my lap suddenly becomes very wet and I sit up abruptly in alarm but lie back down quickly from the pain coasting through my body. Haymitch drops the bowl and rushes over to me and sees the couch soaking and he goes pale and wide eyed.

"Mitch...I think it's time...the baby is coming-" I grunt from the pain and haymitch tries fo help me up slowly and helps me walk over to katniss and peta's house opposite us.

We just walk in and katniss sees my state and shouts for peta and helps me over to her couch and begins prepping me. Peta gets down the stairs and realises it's time and quickly rushes to get some towels and other things to help me. I scream into haymitchs shoulder as he holds me hand and trying to comfort me. He ties my hair back with a spare bobble and goes back to letting me hold his hand.

"Okay y/n, I'm gonna need you to push when I tell you." Katniss says getting between my legs with a towel prepared.

" I can't. It hurts. It hurts too much-" I say between each contraction coming quicker and quicker.

"You can do this y/n. Peta, haymitch I need you to go and get prim and you have you let us have some room." Katniss explains and they both rush to get prim with Mitch giving me a worring look.

Haymitch's POV

It's been over half an hour since prim had arrived and all I can hear was screams from y/n and I can't help but feel guilty. I didn't know this would hurt her this much. I pace back and forth and begin sweating and become more and more anxious. I tie my hair back out of frustration and confine pacing as peta and effie waited patiently.

Y/n yells loudly once again but is then silenced by another scream. A baby's scream. I stare at the blank door in disbelief and joy. I hear giggles from the rest of the girls and I feel my eyes water with happiness. Peta walks over and pats my back smiling and Effie embraces me giggling like a young school girl.

I wait patiently till I can see my two worlds and I see prim exit with katniss following and I rush pat them to see a very sweaty y/n with our child laid on her chest fast asleep on her. Even in birth she is absolutely beautiful. I calmly walk over to sit down next to her and I kiss her head gently as she smiles at me.

"Do you want to hold her?" Y/n asks and sees my eyes glow realising I have a daughter and see my smile from ear to ear.

She picks my daughter up supporting her head and I hold her in my arms. She looks so tiny. She was perfect. Almost as beautiful as her mother. But that's practically impossible. She stirs awake and opens her big blue eyes and meets my eyes and begins to stare widely at me.

"Charlotte Abernathy. That will be her name." Y/n coo's stroking her cheek as I begin to start crying once again.

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