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I wake up to something pulling my hair, I open my eyes to see Judith on her hands and knees and carol comes rushing in to take her

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I wake up to something pulling my hair, I open my eyes to see Judith on her hands and knees and carol comes rushing in to take her.

"Greet your new morning caller, come on breakfast is nearly over." Carol says picking her up and hoisting her up to sit on her hips.

"Yeah, I'll be down in 5." I say rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

As Carol leaves I start to undress into some jeans and a tank top. To freshen up I tie my hair back in a tight pony tail, splash some water on my face and spray some perfume I found out on a run the other day with Maggie.

I exit my cell, and walk downstairs to see everyone eating either apples or porridge. I go to take an apple from a basket. I spy Daryl leaning against a wall away from the group, I walk over to see him smirk as I walked his way.

"Mornin' gorgeous." Daryl says with his gruff voice as he places and hand on my hips and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss him back smiling into the kiss. We unfortunately break apart.

"Good morning to you too." I say leaning against the same wall next to him.

I see Carl turn to Beth and make a disgusted face as she giggles. Beth and Carl look back to see my glaring mischievously at them raising an eyebrow. They both go red and return to their breakfast.

On the agenda today was to wash all the clothes and cutlery with Maggie, Beth and Carol. It was a nice hot day so they would all dry quite quickly. As everyone starts to exit, Daryl pulls me into an abandoned cell and abruptly kisses me.

I continue to kiss him back as he places his large hands on my hips. I snake my hands around his neck standing on my tiptoes and play with his hair. His lips and touch hungered for my body as the urge for mine increasingly grew for him.

Suddenly, the curtain giving up privacy is pulled to the side by Maggie as she stood like a deer in headlights and grows red with embarrassment as do me and Daryl as we break apart.

"Erm...y/n, your needed for the washing...." she says but making eye contact with either of us.

"Yeah I will be there soon." I say as she walks off quite quickly.

Me and Daryl couldn't help but giggle and blush. He kisses my one last time as he exists to go help with defending the wall outside the prison with Rick. As he walks away I stare at his back. At how broad it is and how slim his waist is.

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