Kimber vs Shelby

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Walking down the cobbled pathway to open up the Garrison, I felt a presence behind me

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Walking down the cobbled pathway to open up the Garrison, I felt a presence behind me. I turn around swiftly and I am gagged and knocked out. The smell of chloroform fills me senses. I start to wake up a while later to kimber in my face grinning. I grow wide eyed as I see his keen knife to my neck.

"Now this is what's going to happen doll, we're going to bag your head and pay a visit to your precious Tommy and have a little chat." He says as he watches my tears escape my weary eyes.

He clicked his fingers demanding a bag and he placed it over my head. He pulls me up and pushes me into the back of a car as he sat incredibly close to me. I could feel the rope burn my skin leaving marks. I couldn't see a thing a part from the car pulling to a stop.

Multiple car doors open and I could feel the cold breeze hit my bare arms. Being dragged out the car, my feet fit the familiar cobble tiles of Birmingham. Being pushed towards someone, I feel their grip tighten on me making me grunt. The bag is pulled off of my head and I am presented with bright lights.

Adjusting to the lights, I see Tommy and the rest of the family standing there shocked to see me. But all I could focus on was Tommy's fear and anger. His finger tensed on his gun. His eyes focused on me. I try to shout for him but my gag is pulled further down my throat making me choke and make my eyes burn with tears.

"Uh uh uh. Come now Tommy, we don't need to resolve this pursuit with violence. Just work with me." Billy says so calmly with over 20 guns pointing at him.

"Give me y/n and we'll talk." Tommy tried to compromise but is interrupted by kimber laughing.

"You think I'm bloody stupid. We talk here and now or she dies." Kimber remarks and starts to cut the skin off my collar bones making me screech.

The stinging pain of the knife caused me to cry more and make Tommy and the rest of them more tense and angry. He must be mad to think this can resolve anything.

"Stop it! I'll do anything for you, just don't hurt her anymore." Tommy yells before kimber could injure me anymore.

Arthur turns to Tommy and murmurs furiously to him before he is ignored and told something. I couldn't hear it see what was said. I was just relived the pain had died down.

"Good now, you. Me. Our gangs. Take over London. 50:50 cut. Oh and I want her as my personal, french maid." Kimber sniggers as he grabs my ass making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I long into Tommy's eyes to do something.

"You've got yourself a deal kimber." Tommy says as he drops his gun to the ground and walks forward to shake his sound.

Kimber let's go of me and pushes me to the cobbled pavement. Tommy pulls his hand away and stares down kimber. He then signals the rest of the gand to attack as he brutally stabs kimber till his guts spilled to the floor.

Amongst all the gun shots, I managed to pull myself behind a car to protect myself. I still couldn't see what was happening. Till I see Tommy run over to me, scooping me up and taking me away from the carnage. The gunshots soon became distant and I could only hear his foot steps felt the stone till we reached the Shelby estate.

Tommy placed me gently down on the chair as he took his bloody knife out and cut my restraints and then pulled me gag out of my mouth. He walks over to the sink and makes me a cup of water and helps me drink it. Leaving the cup on the side, Tommy goes into another room and comes back with bandages and rubbing alcohol.

He pours the alcohol on to my wounds on my chest and neck as I winced in pain toppling over resting my head on his shoulder. He lifts my head with his spare hand and wraps my wounds with the bandages and cleans me up.

"There, are you okay? I'm so so sorry this happened. I shouldn't have let you go alone-" Tommy continuously apologised before I stopped him.

"Tommy, you didn't know what lied ahead for me. I'm just glad you've helped. I don't know how to repay you." I say smiling as he searched my eyes looking to help me.

"I know one way." He smirked before he pulled me in to kiss his lips.

Tasting of smoke and coal, I craved more and more. His hands were rough feeling and gently actions. My hands lost in his hair and my body pressed against his. We were soon interrupted by Arthur, John and polly.

They walk through the door covered in the kimber's blood and exhausted. They soon see us and go wide eyed. Me and Tommy awkwardly backed away and sat there like two embarrassed teens. Polly and John just smile. Arthur on the other hand congratulated us both and started to pour us some whiskey.

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