~ Everything just changes so fast ~

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Season 3, episode 1

A lot has gone on since the lost time you heard from me. Lydia has finally forgave me for ignoring her for weeks, after she found out the real reason I had to keep away from her.

Allison has been in France with her dad for the past four months, thank god, I don't know if she's coming back or not and I'm pretty sure she still hates me.

I still haven't told Scott and stiles about the alpha pack in beacon hills because it hasn't become a issue. Yet.

And to answer the question you probably want answers to, no I haven't found Erica, she hasn't tried to contact me nor Boyd. Me, Isaac, Derek and sometimes Peter have been looking for them at-least 4 times a week but no luck. Tomorrow is the first day of junior year.

Guess what I'm doing right now, at a tattoo parlour, for what you may wonder, for Scott he wants a tattoo. A ugly tattoo if I must say. "Hey Scott you sure you don't any anything like this?" Stiles questions holding up a book with a werewolf tattoo on the page, i scoff beside him while Scott gives him a are you serious look, "too soon?"

"Are you sure about this?" I ask my brother while sitting down on the couch in the tattoo parlour, "I mean these things are pretty permanent."

"I'm not changing my mind" Scott tells me.

"Okay but why two bands?" Stiles questions. That's the tattoo Scott's getting, two bands around his upper left arm.

"I just like it" Scott shrugs.

"But don't you think you're first tattoo should have some sort of meaning?" Stiles asks.

"It's pretty basic" I tell him "for my first tattoo I want to get something a little more, what's the word, Interesting."

"Getting a tattoo means something" Scott states.

"I don't think that's" stiles mutters.

"He's right" the tattoo artist cuts in"tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatua means to leave a mark. Like a rite of passage."

"He gets it" Scott turns to us.

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott, literally" I state.

"You ain't got any problems with needles have you?" The artist asks Scott as he begins.

"Nope" Scott answers.

"I tend to get a little squeamish though" stiles starts, he looks at the needle and passes out on the floor. I chuckle before helping stiles off the floor.

We get into the jeep. "You okay?" Stiles asks Scott.

"Kind of burns" Scott replies.

"Scott, you just had your skin stabbed about 100,000 times with a needle" I remind him.

"But I don't think it's supposed to feel like this" Scott tells us, he starts to grunt, "no it's definitely not supposed to feel like this. I gotta take this thing off." He's talking about the bandage.

"No. No. No. No. Scott" stiles begs "Scott please stop." Scott rips off the bandage and his arm, where the tattoo is, is red. The tattoo fades into his skin, it's healing.

"It healed" Scott clarifies.

I chuckle from the back seats, "thank god. I hated it" Scott turns to me with a shocked expression, stiles looks at me with a agreeing expression, "Sorry" I tell him. Stiles turns on the ignition of the jeep and he drives.

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