~ He talks, I listen ~

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Season 6, episode 17

"She better not be dead" Scott states as he walks away from Theo with Malia close behind him. "I swear if she's dead, I'm going to kill you Theo!"

"You won't have the chance" Theo smiles weakly, "because if she's dead I'll be dead too. I won't let you sacrifice your dignity on me Scott."

Scott is sat in the waiting room of the hospital as he waits to hear news on any of his friends. He's sat there listening to voices from Melissas surgery room. The noise of the bullet dropping into a metal bowl ringing through his ears.

Malia walks over and takes the seat beside Scott. She doesn't say anything but places her hand onto Scott's hands to let him know she's there for him.

"She's going to be okay."

Scott open his hands and grabs onto malia's, they both turn to each other. Scott has a faint smile as he nods to tell Malia that his mom is okay.

Scott is sat at Melissa's bedside. A female nurse turns to Scott before she leaves the room, "You have about a minute before the sedative kicks in. And let her rest."

Melissa smiles weakly at the sight of her son, "Hey, kid."

He can't bring himself to speak, "I'm gonna wait outside, okay?"

"No, wait" Melissa demands. "Scott, wait." She grabs Scott's hand, "Listen to me, you didn't do this."

Scott knows she's referring to her getting shot but he also thinks of his sister being killed too and how it wasn't his fault but deep down believes it is. "But I'm responsible" Scott states. "Mom, you need to sleep."

"I just need to" Melissa whispers as he speech slurs, "tell you."

"It can wait" Scott interrupts.

"It can't wait" Melissa states.

"Mom" Scott sighs as tears form in his eyes.

"Don't run" Melissa orders he son. "You fight." Tears run down Scott's face as he watches his mothers eyes close. He leans forwards to place his forehead against hers, and places a kiss on it shortly after.

Scott removes himself from the room and heads down the corridor to another room, Scott pushes open the door to find an empty bed.

Scott turns up the corridor where he find stilinski walking towards him quickly, "Where's my dad?"

"Transferred to San Francisco Memorial" Stilinski replies. "He's gonna be fine."

"Okay" Scott sighs. "And what about Mason?"

"Already out of surgery" Stilinski answers.

"Lydia?" Scott questions.

"She's all right, too" stilinski responds. "The bullet missed everything that matters, thank god. Scott, we got lucky."

"They almost died" Scott states.

"But they're gonna live" Stilinski reminds him. "We're gonna have two deputies posted here around the clock. Nobody sets foot on this floor without my authorization." Scott closes his eyes as he turns to walk away but stilinski follows him, "Scott, I got a pretty good idea how you're feeling right now. But the whole Sheriff's department is gonna be on this. I am gonna find out who did this."

"We both know who did this" Scott tells him. Scott walks away from Stilinski in anger.

Scott walks out of the elevator, he begins to walk towards the exit until Malia runs behind him, "Hey, what do we do?"

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