~ We would be out of this life ~

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Season 4, episode 12

Me and stiles stand in the sheriffs office bribing Stilinski to let stiles go to Mexico, I'm not bothering to ask my mom as I know she'll say no, "Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico, okay?" Stiles states, "i think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico!"

"Okay. Even if Deaton is right about this" stilinski starts, "The best thing to do is to go through the proper channels."

"Dad" stiles sighs.

"That means calling the right law enforcement agencies" stilinski states, "border patrol, putting out an all-points."

"We can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices, okay?" I tell him, "Someone needs to go down there right now, find them, and rescue them!"

"I'm going" stiles says.

"I can keep you from going" Stilinski tells him.

"I'd find a way" stiles shrugs.

"I can throw you in a cell" Stilinski states.

"I'd still find a way" stiles shrugs.

"Stiles, please just give me a little more time to verify something slightly more concrete than a psychic vision by some guy with a third eye" Stilinski begs, "Look, I will call every law enforcement agency all the way down to South America if I have to. If nothing turns up, then I'll book two flights to Mexico. We'll both go. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay, great" stiles smiles, "Do I get a gun?"

"No" me and stilinski say at the same time.

Me maila and stiles stand in Scott's room as we try to find something for Malia to smell, stiles throws Malia a shirt, "Here, try that."

"Fabric softener" maila answers after sniffing Scott's top.

Stiles walks over to Scott's laundry basket and pulls out a pair of his boxers, Me and Malia give him a fuck No face, "Remember, Scott's life is on the line" I pick up on of Scott's pillows and pass it to Malia, "Yeah, that works, too."

The three of us walk downstairs and see Liam stood in my kitchen, how did that boy get in? "Liam, go home" I tell him, "You're not coming with us."

"Why not?" Liam asks.

"Because it's a full moon" stiles answers, "and I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out."

"You can lock me up, right?" Liam suggests, "Chain me down to the backseat or something?"

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia states.

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there" stiles tells him.

"Okay, then where do we get carbonite?" Liam questions.

"Seriously? You haven't seen it, either?" Stiles sighs, I guess that was a Star Wars metaphor.

"Wait! What if we put me in the trunk?" Liam suggests.

"You'd get out of that, too" I reply, "Liam, you've been a Werewolf all of five minutes. You don't have to do this."

"I know I don't, but I want to" Liam states, "There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk, or something! There has to be."

Stiles gets his thinking face, "Maybe there is." Oh shit, what has he though of?

We all stand outside Derek's loft as braeden pulls up in a prison van, "How'd you get a prison transport van?" Stiles questions.

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