~ Find something real ~

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Season 3, episode 2

"I don't see anything" Derek tells Lydia and Allison. They both have bruises on their arms and think it means something.

I stand up and walk beside him, I examine the two bruises on both of their wrists and it's just marks from someone's hand, they obviously grabbed them too hard, "there is literally nothing there."

"Look again" Scott grunts.

"How is a bruise gonna tell us where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asks? I can clearly tell by the look on his face he's obviously fed up with Scott and wants to go out and continue searching for Boyd and Erica.

"It's the same on both sides" Scott points out, "Exactly the same."

"It's nothing" I tell Scott.

"Pareidolia" Lydia states, English Lydia, "seeing patterns that aren't there" me Derek and Scott all look at each other, "it's a subset of apophenia."

"Lydia, what have I told you about long words?" I sigh "don't use them!"

"They're trying to help" Scott tells Derek.

"These two?" Derek questions, "this one" he points to Lydia, "who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you. And this one" he points at Allison, "who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack."

"They hurt by the way" I state as I jump to sit on a table.

"Come on" stiles sighs "no one died. Look there may have been a little maiming, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

"But there was lots of near death experiences" I remind him.

"My mother died" Allison reminds us.

"Your family's little honour code killed your mother" Derek rephrases "not us."

"That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you" Allison tells us.

"You Wanna help? Find something real" i scoff, I go to walk out, Derek follows me and Scott follows behind us, "don't follow us" I turn around at Scott.

"Give her a chance" Scott begs "They're on our side now."

"Well then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night" Derek snaps.

Coach slams his book on his desk, "the stock market is based on two principles" coach states "what are they?" Scott raises his hand, "yes McCall you can go to the bathroom."

"No coach I know the answer" Scott tells him.

Coach laughs, "oh your serious. Wow! Who are you? And what have you don to McCall? Don't answer that. I I like you better. Does anybody have a quarter?" Stiles goes to grab a quarter but a condom flies out, I snort behind him, Since when was stiles having sex? "Stilinski I think you dropped this. And congratulations."

Me and Scott look at each other then at stiles, "since when did you lose your virginity?" I whisper, "welcome to the club."

"Risk and reward" coach starts "put the quarter in the mug, win the reward. Okay watch" coach throws the quarter and it lands in the mug on the ground, "that's how you do it. Okay Danny. Risk, reward?"

"What's the reward?" Danny asks.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow" coach suggests.

"Coach it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it" Danny tells him.

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