~ Then who crawled out of this one ~

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Season 5, episode 3

"Ohhh, I should've got a haircut" Stilinski says, he's going on a date.

"Well, you know, someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut" stiles smiles.

"I think you look great" Scott tells him.

"Well, thank you, son-I-should-have-had" Stilinski chuckles, stiles looks offended, "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea."

"What? Dad. Dad, it's one date, okay?" Stiles says, "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman. Or man."

"It's a woman, Stiles" Stilinski tells him.

"Okay" stiles shrugs.

"A very beautiful woman" Stilinski adds.

"What beautiful woman, by the way?" I ask him.

"None of your business" Stilinski answers, "none of you."

"Stilinski!" A male voice yells from the foyer, we all walk out of the office and see a boy around our age trying to be held back by two deputies, "STILINSKI! I'm going to kill you!"

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory" Stilinski tells the boy, "Deputies, escort the prisoner out."

"I'm not angry, like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window" Donovan states, "I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife, and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead. And when you look at me and you ask, Why?, remember right now. Because this is why."

That kid has major anger issues, "Wow, that was awesome" stiles smiles, "That was awesome. That was great. Can we do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know? Okay, you know what? It's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny, little cell. You know just stuck there forever."

Donovan tries to wriggle out to get to stiles, Scott steps in front of us all, "Get him out of here!" Stilinski orders, the two deputies pull him out.

"What the hell's an Anger Expression Inventory?" Scott asks.

"It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy" stiles answers.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" I scoff.

"At least now, he's getting the full law enforcement experience" stiles chuckles.

The three of us sit in the jeep outside the sheriffs station waiting for the car to start up but it doesn't, "It's anxiety" stiles tells us.

"What is?" Scott asks.

"The chemo-signals?" Stiles states, "Oh, I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state. Yeah." Stiles tries to start the jeep again but it doesn't work, he hits the steering wheel.

"You okay?" I question.

"All right" stiles sighs, "I got this from Braeden a few hours ago" he shows us a picture of a body, "That's the first real bit of information we've gotten on the Desert Wolf in months."

"The Desert Wolf did this?" Scott asks.

"Yeah" stiles says, "And I'm the one who's been pulling on this thread."

"Maybe you should stop" I suggest.

"No. It's not up to me" stiles states.

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