~ Just the usual negativity ~

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Season 6, episode 7

Malia has Theo pinned to the ground and is hitting him repeatedly, his nose is bust and there's blood over his face. "It's okay. You don't have to stop."

Malia flicks her claws out in his face, "trust me. I won't."

I grab onto her hand and pull her off Theo, "Malia, enough!"

Me Scott and Liam hold her in a corner, "Slow down, okay?" Scott says. "He's going back into the ground."

"You can't" Liam urges. "He remembers Stiles."

"Scott remembers Stiles" Malia reminds Liam. "Riley, Lydia and I remember Stiles."

"The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt" Liam adds. "He can help us."

"Or, he could kill us" I add looking over at Theo. "Personally, if he fucks up I would like to be the one who kills him."

"He's my responsibility" Liam tells us. "Noshiko gave me the sword."

"It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight" Theo sighs dramatically.

"Shut up!" The four of us yell.

"You both are right" Hayden interjects. "If Theo tries anything, we'll send him back to the Skinwalkers. But, for right now."

"He goes back now" Scott argues.

"Except Liam's the one with the sword" Theo reminds us all with a smirk.

"Shut up!" All of us yell.

Scott grabs Liam by the wrist and leads him into the living room to talk, leaving me, Malia, Hayden, and Theo in the kitchen. Malia walks toward Theo, forcing Hayden and me to step between them to stop her.

"Malia" i sigh.

"Can you give me a second alone with Theo?" Malia asks.

"Why?" Hayden questions.

"So I can kill him" Malia urges.

"Okay, look" Theo starts. "I know that there's mixed feelings all around, but I might be your only option to stop the Wild Hunt."

"Let's kill him" Malia smiles.

Back down the hole I go. Theo and me in the kitchen, he's sat on the countertop while I stand in between his legs kissing. Hayden and Malia went into another room, so this is kinda their fault.

"Riley!" I pull away from Theo and everyone stands there staring. Scott looks pissed. Well everyone looks pissed.

"Hey guys" I smile. "How you doing?"

"Back up" Scott orders walking over to me and grabbing my wrist. He pulls me back to where he was stood before.

Liam is now stood in front of Theo explaining the rules, "I can put you back in the ground any time."

"You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity" Theo adds. "I know where to find one, and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me."

Malia growls. "She promises" Liam announces.

"No, I don't!" Malia urges. She turns to me and Scott, "We're really gonna do this? Trust him?"

"You got a better idea?" Hayden questions.

"I've got an idea" Malia admits. "It may not be better. But at least it's not him." She walks past Theo and Liam and leaves the house.

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