~ I'm so much more powerful than you ~

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Season 5, episode 13

Stiles is in the garage of the McCall House late at night, where he is in the middle of repairing his Jeep. He leans over the open hood of the Jeep and reaches into the machinery, pulling out a tangle of wires whose purpose he doesn't seem to understand.

After a moment, he shrugs and reaches back in to pull out a large, rusty cylinder of some kind, which he also sets aside with the wires. He then grabs a wrench and adjusts it for a moment before reaching in to tighten a bolt.

Meanwhile, inside, Scott is walking down the stairs from his bedroom with a packed duffle bag in his hands, where he finds Liam waiting for him downstairs in the living room.

It's obvious that Scott is conflicted about Liam's arrival, as he's both sad to be estranged from his Beta as well as scared of what he could do after Liam nearly killed him.

Liam appears to be just as anxious to be there, and when he sees Scott, he pauses awkwardly for a moment before suddenly blurting out the first thought that comes to mind, "They're alive" Scott looks at Liam in confusion but doesn't speak, causing Liam to nervously ramble to explain himself, "I mean, the Chimeras. Some of them, not all of them."

Scott's face remains unreadable when he finally replies, unable to fully look Liam in the eyes after what happened between them, "I know."

Liam looks surprised by this uncharacteristically curt answer, "You do?"

"Yeah" Scott sighs, After a brief awkward silence, Scott goes back to what he was doing and nervously adds to what he's already said, "I'm sorry, I can't talk right now, Liam."

Scott turns to walk out the back door, but Liam, not wanting to leave things as they are, tries again to get Scott to warm up to him, "It was Theo. He's the one who brought them back, and now they're with him. Like they're his pack."

Scott nods, looking mildly impatient, "I know."

Liam's face becomes pained by the awkwardness of their conversation, "Hayden's one of them."

Scott seems genuinely surprised by this remark, and his instinct to make sure that everyone is safe and okay causes him to briefly forget about how uncomfortable he feels around Liam, "She's okay?"

"She's alive" Liam tells him, "I'm not sure she's totally okay, but she's definitely alive."

"That's good" Scott sighs, Scott, once again remembering how Liam almost killed him, emotionally withdraws from the conversation again and gets ready to leave.

When Liam realizes that Scott seems to be departing on some kind of trip, he gets a curious look on his face, "Where are you guys going?"

"To get Kira" Scott answers, "Her dad told us that her mom took her out to New Mexico, to this place called Shiprock. They're trying to figure out a way to help her. But, it's dangerous. So, we're gonna go find her and bring her back."

Liam, eager to help and earn back Scott's trust, immediately jumps at this opportunity and walks toward him, "I'll come with you!"

This sudden movement on Liam's part causes Scott to reflexively step backward from him, likely a post-traumatic response, before he stops Liam by putting up his hand. Scott shifts uncomfortably and seems to have difficulty looking Liam in the eyes, "you can't."

Scott turns around and is about to go through the back door when Liam, who seems incredibly hurt by the cold shoulder he's getting, tries to prove himself worthy of a second chance, "Let me help."

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