~ Taking a innocent life takes something from you as well ~

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Season 3, episode 8

"They were there for two days" Cora tells us "waiting, hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us. Hide and heal."

"Okay so is two days standard then?" Stiles questions "or are we thinking Derek's on some extended getaway?"

"Why do you care?" Cora snaps.

"Why do I care" stiles repeats "let's see. Because over the last few weeks, my best friends have tried to Kill themselves, Scott's boss nearly got ritually sacrificed, a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by alphas. you want me to keep going? Cause I can. For like an hour."

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora questions.

"Well since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it" I answer.

"I don't know" Cora sighs "there's something different about him now. He wants like this when I knew him."

"What was he like?" Stiles asks.

Out walks Peter hale from the staircase, "a lot like Scott actually. A lot like most teenagers. Unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers."

I chuckle beside stiles "feel sorry for his friends back then."

"So what happened?" Stiles questions "what changed him?"

"Well the same thing that changes a lot of young men" Peter starts "a girl."

"You're telling me some girl broke his little heart?" I rephrase what Peter just said, "that's why Derek is the way he is?"

"Do you remember Derek before he was an alpha had blue eyes?" Peter asks "do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?"

"I just always thought it was like a genetic thing" stiles answers.

"If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the colour of his eyes" Peter tells us.

"Great a story time" I grunt sitting down.

Flashback ~ Derek's POV
Me and my friends are playing a little basketball in the hallway of the high school, "hey do you guys mind?" A female voice says from behind us all, we all turn and look at her, "I'm trying to practice."

Me and the boys laugh, "how do you know we're not trying to practice here too?" I ask her.

"See I was practicing in the music room, and I'm pretty sure basketball practice takes place in the gym" she snaps.

"Well I'm pretty sure basketball practice takes place anywhere you got a basketball" I argue, I walk towards her dribbling the basketball, "see?"

She rolls her eyes and begins to walk off, "hey hold on, hold on. If you get the ball from me, maybe I'll stop. Come on" she turns to me and I start to dribble the ball, "it'll be easy."

She tries to grab it but I move out of the way, she tries to grab again but I move, I dribble around her and she just walks off.

"Come on, lover boy" one of the boys calls out as  the group walk away. I walk down to the music room, "sorry about that" I apologise to the girl.

"Whatever" the girl smiles.

"Hey what's your name?"

"I'm trying to practice, if you didn't notice."

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