~ No one said it was that big ~

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Season 5, episode 17

Me, Scott, Liam and Stiles is driving down the road in the jeep, Scott gets the text message from Argent who's giving us updates on where Parrish is, "He's heading to the school" Scott announces.

"Why's Parrish heading to the school?" Liam asks.

"It's not Parrish" i remind him, "At least, not right now."

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?" Liam rephrases.

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education?" Stiles scoffs, Liam gives him a look, and Stiles sighs in exasperation, "Liam, the Hellhound's at the school, so we're going to the school. Okay?" Stiles presses down the gas pedal.

Stiles pulls up at the school, We all pile out into the parking lot and walk toward the school as well. Since Liam was in the backseat beside me, he's the last one out, and he accidentally slams the door closed too hard, startling the boys with the loud banging noise it creates.

Scott and Stiles turn back to look at Liam, Scott simply looks exasperated, while Stiles is giving Liam a dirty look as if to say, seriously. Liam looks embarrassed and makes a face, "Sorry."

We all walk toward the school under the catwalk, where we eventually find Argent walking toward us, his gun in hand at his side. Argent looks around anxiously as we rush toward him to see what is going on, "Where's Parrish?"

"I lost him" argent responds, "He's moving too fast."

"Scott?" Liam says worriedly, "That guy's not moving at all."

We all turn to see what Liam is looking at and find that a man's body is laying in a puddle of blood several meters away under the catwalk. Argent, me, Scott, and Liam all start to walk towards it, but Stiles grabs Scott by the elbow and makes a face as if to say, Are you kidding me? Scott jerks his head toward the body as he looks at his best friend, and Stiles reluctantly follows after us.

When we finally make it to the body, we all see that the victim's chest and abdomen has been completely torn to shreds by large claws. We all step around the large puddle of blood to follow the carnage out from under the catwalk, where we find another body laying several meters away, near the bus bay, that has been just as badly mauled as the first.

Liam then notices that the bus next to the body has opened back doors that reveal dozens of mauled people inside, and he jerks his head toward the bus as well, "Look."

We all look over and I'm horrified when i see just how many people were brutally ripped to shreds and sprawled across the floor and hanging over the seats. To our surprise, one of the people in the bus, a young blond man, is still alive, and coughs before reaching out toward us as he weakly pleads for help, "Help me."

Scott, who cannot bear to see anyone hurting, takes a step toward him in an attempt to help. However, he's stopped in his tracks by the appearance of Parrish, whose eyes are glowing with fire, his fangs and claws out, and the veins of what looks like magma crackling through the soot-covered skin on his chest and back, making it obvious that the Hellhound is currently in charge. The Hellhound's voice has a very deep undertone as he speaks, "It's a trap."

We al look between each other, conflicted as the victim continues to plead with us, "please."

Parrish, or should I say the Hellhound, looks back at Scott as he once again walks toward the bus to help and stops him with a stern voice, "You can't help him."

Then, a terrifying roar is heard just before the body of the victim is ripped in half and thrown onto the ground in front of the bus, his internal organs spilling out onto the pavement, which makes us all overwhelmed by disgust and horror.

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